Source code for pylablib.core.gui.format

import math
import re

SI_prefixes_print=dict([ (int(math.log10(o)),p) for p,o in SI_prefixes.items() if int(round(math.log10(o)))%3==0 ])

_SI_prefix_re_str="({0})".format( "|".join(SI_prefixes.keys()) )
[docs]def parse_float(s): """ Parse string as a float, with metric prefixes recognition. Return tuple ``(sign, integer, dot, fractional, exponent, prefix)``, where each entry has structure ``(begin, end, text)``. Return ``None`` if string is unrecognizable. """ m=re.match(_SI_float_re,s) if m==None: return None g=m.groups() if g[1]=="" and g[3]=="": return None return tuple([(b,e,t) for (b,e),t in zip(m.regs[1:],g)])
[docs]def pos_to_order(s,pos): """ For a given string representation of a float and position in the string, get the decimal order for this position. Return ``None`` if string is un-parsable or position is out of range (not in mantissa section of the number). """ parsed_value=parse_float(s) if parsed_value==None: return None sign_position=parsed_value[0][1] exponent_order=0 if parsed_value[4][2]!="": exponent_order=int(parsed_value[4][2][1:]) prefix_order=int(round( math.log10(SI_prefixes[parsed_value[5][2]]) )) order=exponent_order+prefix_order if pos<=sign_position: #before the number affected_digit=max(len(parsed_value[1][2])-1,0) elif pos<=parsed_value[1][1]: #inside integer part affected_digit=parsed_value[1][1]-pos elif pos==parsed_value[2][1]: #right after the dot (if it's not there, then this condition is never true) affected_digit=-1 elif pos<=parsed_value[3][1]: #inside fractional part affected_digit=parsed_value[3][0]-pos else: return None return order+affected_digit
[docs]def order_to_pos(s,order): """ For a given string representation of float and decimal order, get the position in the string corresponding to this order. If order is out of range for a given representation, truncates to most/least significant digit position. Return ``None`` if string is un-parsable. """ parsed_value=parse_float(s) if parsed_value==None: return None exponent_order=0 if parsed_value[4][2]!="": exponent_order=int(parsed_value[4][2][1:]) prefix_order=int(round( math.log10(SI_prefixes[parsed_value[5][2]]) )) rel_order=order-(exponent_order+prefix_order) if rel_order>=0: if rel_order>=len(parsed_value[1][2]): pos=parsed_value[1][0] else: pos=parsed_value[1][1]-rel_order else: if (-rel_order)>=len(parsed_value[3][2]): pos=parsed_value[3][1] else: pos=parsed_value[3][0]+(-rel_order) return pos
[docs]def str_to_float(s): """ Return float value of a string, with metric prefixes recognition. Raise ``ValueError`` if string is unrecognizable. """ if len(s)==0: raise ValueError() if len(s)>2 and s[-2:] in SI_prefixes: prefix=SI_prefixes[s[-2:]] s=s[:-2] elif s[-1:] in SI_prefixes: prefix=SI_prefixes[s[-1:]] s=s[:-1] else: prefix=1. return float(s)*prefix
[docs]def is_integer(n, tolerance=0.): """ Check if `n` is less than `tolerance` away from the nearest integer. """ return abs(n-round(n))<=tolerance
[docs]def float_to_str_SI(n, digits=9, trailing_zeros=False): """ Represent float using SI metric prefixes. For orders ``>=27`` and ``<-24`` use usual scientific notation with order being multiple of 3. If ``trailing_zeros==True``, then digits define precision, rather than number significant digits """ if n==0: if trailing_zeros: return "0."+"0"*digits else: return "0" order=int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(n)))) order_SI=(order/3)*3 n=n*10**(-order_SI) if order_SI in SI_prefixes_print: prefix=SI_prefixes_print[order_SI] else: prefix="E{0:+d}".format(order_SI) if trailing_zeros: nstr="{{:.{:d}F}}".format(digits).format(n) else: nstr="{{:.{:d}G}}".format(digits).format(n) return nstr+prefix
[docs]class FloatFormatter(object): """ Floating point number formatter. Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation. Args: output_format(str): can be ``"auto"`` (use standard Python conversion), ``"SI"`` (use SI prefixes if possible), or ``"sci"`` (scientific "E" notation). digits (int): if ``trailing_zeros==False``, determines the number of significant digits; otherwise, determines precision (number of digits after decimal point). add_trailing_zeros (bool): if ``True``, always show fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with zero padding if necessary. leading_zeros (bool): determines the minimal size of the integer part (before the decimal point) of the number; pads with zeros if necessary. explicit_sign (bool): if ``True``, always add explicit plus sign. """ def __init__(self, output_format="auto", digits=9, add_trailing_zeros=True, leading_zeros=0, explicit_sign=False): "If trailing_zeros==True, then digits define precision, rather than number significant digits" object.__init__(self) if not output_format in ["auto", "SI", "sci"]: raise ValueError("unrecognized output format: {0}".format(output_format)) self.output_format=output_format self.explicit_sign=explicit_sign #if not output_format in ["significant", "precision"]: # raise ValueError("unrecognized precision type: {0}".format(precision_type)) #self.precision_type=precision_type self.digits=digits self.add_trailing_zeros=add_trailing_zeros self.leading_zeros=leading_zeros def __call__(self, value): if self.output_format=="auto": if self.add_trailing_zeros: dig="{{:.{:d}F}}".format(self.digits).format(abs(value)) else: dig="{{:.{:d}G}}".format(self.digits).format(abs(value)) elif self.output_format=="sci": if self.add_trailing_zeros: dig="{{:.0{:d}E}}".format(self.digits).format(abs(value)) else: dig="{{:.{:d}E}}".format(self.digits).format(abs(value)) else: dig=float_to_str_SI(abs(value),self.digits,self.add_trailing_zeros) int_part_len=dig.find(".") if int_part_len<0: int_part_len=len(dig) if self.leading_zeros>int_part_len: dig="0"*(self.leading_zeros-int_part_len)+dig if self.explicit_sign and value>=0: dig="+"+dig elif value<0: dig="-"+dig return dig
[docs]class IntegerFormatter(object): """ Simple integer number formatter. Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation. For more flexibility (e.g., adding leading zeros) it is possible to use :class:`FloatFormatter` with ``digits=0`` and ``add_trailing_zeros=True``. """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) def __call__(self, value): return "{:d}".format(int(value))
[docs]def as_formatter(formatter): """ Turn an object into a formatter. Can be a callable object (returned as is), a string (``"float"`` or ``"int"``), or a tuple starting with ``"float"`` which contains arguments to the :class:`FloatFormatter`. """ if hasattr(formatter,"__call__"): return formatter if formatter=="float": return FloatFormatter() if formatter=="int": return IntegerFormatter() if isinstance(formatter,tuple): if formatter[0]=="float": return FloatFormatter(*formatter[1:]) raise ValueError("unknown formatter: {}".format(formatter))