pylablib.core.gui package


pylablib.core.gui.format module


Parse string as a float, with metric prefixes recognition.

Return tuple (sign, integer, dot, fractional, exponent, prefix), where each entry has structure (begin, end, text). Return None if string is unrecognizable.

pylablib.core.gui.format.pos_to_order(s, pos)[source]

For a given string representation of a float and position in the string, get the decimal order for this position.

Return None if string is un-parsable or position is out of range (not in mantissa section of the number).

pylablib.core.gui.format.order_to_pos(s, order)[source]

For a given string representation of float and decimal order, get the position in the string corresponding to this order.

If order is out of range for a given representation, truncates to most/least significant digit position. Return None if string is un-parsable.


Return float value of a string, with metric prefixes recognition.

Raise ValueError if string is unrecognizable.

pylablib.core.gui.format.is_integer(n, tolerance=0.0)[source]

Check if n is less than tolerance away from the nearest integer.

pylablib.core.gui.format.float_to_str_SI(n, digits=9, trailing_zeros=False)[source]

Represent float using SI metric prefixes.

For orders >=27 and <-24 use usual scientific notation with order being multiple of 3. If trailing_zeros==True, then digits define precision, rather than number significant digits

class pylablib.core.gui.format.FloatFormatter(output_format='auto', digits=9, add_trailing_zeros=True, leading_zeros=0, explicit_sign=False)[source]

Bases: object

Floating point number formatter.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation.

  • output_format (str) – can be "auto" (use standard Python conversion), "SI" (use SI prefixes if possible), or "sci" (scientific “E” notation).
  • digits (int) – if trailing_zeros==False, determines the number of significant digits; otherwise, determines precision (number of digits after decimal point).
  • add_trailing_zeros (bool) – if True, always show fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with zero padding if necessary.
  • leading_zeros (bool) – determines the minimal size of the integer part (before the decimal point) of the number; pads with zeros if necessary.
  • explicit_sign (bool) – if True, always add explicit plus sign.
class pylablib.core.gui.format.IntegerFormatter[source]

Bases: object

Simple integer number formatter.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation.

For more flexibility (e.g., adding leading zeros) it is possible to use FloatFormatter with digits=0 and add_trailing_zeros=True.


Turn an object into a formatter.

Can be a callable object (returned as is), a string ("float" or "int"), or a tuple starting with "float" which contains arguments to the FloatFormatter.

pylablib.core.gui.limit module

exception pylablib.core.gui.limit.LimitError(value, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None)[source]

Bases: ArithmeticError

Error raised when the value is out of limits and can’t be coerced.

class pylablib.core.gui.limit.NumberLimit(lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, action='ignore', value_type=None)[source]

Bases: object

Number limiter, which checks validity of user inputs.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and either returns its coerced version (or the number itself, if it is within limits), or raises LimitError if it should be ignored.

  • lower_limit – lower limit (inclusive), or None if there is no limit.
  • upper_limit – upper limit (inclusive), or None if there is no limit.
  • action (str) – action taken if the number is out of limits; either "coerce" (return the closest valid value), or "ignore" (raise LimitError).
  • value_type (str) – determines value type coercion; can be None (do nothing, only check limits), "float" (cast to float), or "int" (cast to integer).

Turn a predicator into a limiter.

Returns a function that raises LimitError if the predicate is false.


Turn an object into a limiter.

Can be a callable object (returned as is) or a tuple which is used as a list of arguments to the NumberLimit object.

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