Source code for pylablib

import os
import os.path
from .core.utils import module as module_utils, library_parameters  #@UnresolvedImport

from .core import *


[docs]def reload_all(from_load_path=True, keep_parameters=True): """ Reload all loaded modules. If ``keep_parameters==True``, keep the current library parameters (``pylablib.par``); otherwise, reset them to default. """ if keep_parameters: old_par=par[""].as_dict("flat") if from_load_path: cur_dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(_load_path) try: module_utils.reload_package_modules(__name__) finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) else: module_utils.reload_package_modules(__name__) par.refresh() if keep_parameters: for k,v in old_par.items(): try: par[k]=v except KeyError: pass
[docs]def unload_all(): """ Reload all loaded modules. """ module_utils.unload_package_modules(__name__)