pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets package


pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.edit module

class pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.edit.LVTextEdit(parent, value=None)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Expanded text edit.

Maintains internally stored consistent value (which can be, e.g., accessed from different threads).


Signal emitted when value is entered (regardless of whether it stayed the same)


Signal emitted when value is changed


Get current numerical value


Display currently stored numerical value

If interrupt_edit==True and the edit is currently being modified by the user, don’t update the display.

set_value(value, notify_value_change=True, interrupt_edit=False)[source]

Set current numerical value.

If notify_value_change==True, emit the value_changed signal; otherwise, change value silently. If interrupt_edit==True and the edit is currently being modified by the user, don’t update the display (but still update the internally stored value).

class pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.edit.LVNumEdit(parent, value=None, num_limit=None, num_format=None)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Labview-style numerical edit.

Maintains internally stored consistent value (which can be, e.g., accessed from different threads). Supports different number representations, metric perfixes (in input or output), keyboard shortcuts (up/down for changing number, escape for cancelling).

change_limiter(limiter, new_value=None)[source]

Change current numerical limiter

set_number_limit(lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, action='ignore', value_type=None)[source]

Set number limit.

lower_limit and upper_limit set the value limits (None means no limit). action specifies the action on out-of-limit: either "ignore" (return to the previously stored value), or "coerce" (coerce to the closest limit) value_type can be either "float" (any floating point number is accepted), or "int" (round to the nearest integer).


Change current numerical formatter

set_number_format(kind='float', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Set numerical format

kind specifies the format kind ("float" or "int"), and the additional arguments are passed to the corresponding formatter. See format.FloatFormatter and format.IntegerFormatter for details.


Get a decimal order of the text cursor


Move text cursor to a given decimal order


Return representation of value according to the current numerical format


Signal emitted when value is entered (regardless of whether it stayed the same)


Signal emitted when value is changed


Get current numerical value

show_value(interrupt_edit=False, preserve_cursor_order=True)[source]

Display currently stored numerical value

If interrupt_edit==True and the edit is currently being modified by the user, don’t update the display. If preserve_cursor_order==True and the display value is being edited, keep the decimal order of the cursor position after change.

set_value(value, notify_value_change=True, interrupt_edit=False, preserve_cursor_order=True)[source]

Set and display current numerical value.

If notify_value_change==True, emit the value_changed signal; otherwise, change value silently. If interrupt_edit==True and the edit is currently being modified by the user, don’t update the display (but still update the internally stored value). If preserve_cursor_order==True and the display value is being edited, keep the decimal order of the cursor position after change.

pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.label module

class pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.label.LVNumLabel(parent, value=None, num_limit=None, num_format=None, allow_text=True)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Labview-style numerical label.

Supports different number representations and metric perfixes.


Change current numerical limiter

set_number_limit(lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, action='ignore', value_type=None)[source]

Set number limit.

lower_limit and upper_limit set the value limits (None means no limit). action specifies the action on out-of-limit: either "ignore" (return to the previously stored value), or "coerce" (coerce to the closest limit) value_type can be either "float" (any floating point number is accepted), or "int" (round to the nearest integer).


Change current numerical formatter

set_number_format(kind='float', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Set numerical format

kind specifies the format kind ("float" or "int"), and the additional arguments are passed to the corresponding formatter. See format.FloatFormatter and format.IntegerFormatter for details.


Return representation of value according to the current numerical format


Get current numerical value


Set and display current numerical value

pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.plot module

class pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.plot.MPLFigureCanvas(parent=None)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Simple widget wrapper for MPL plotting canvas.


Replot the data.

If force==False, and less than self.redraw_period (10ms by default) passed since the last replot event, do nothing.

class pylablib.core.gui.qt.widgets.plot.MPLFigureToolbarCanvas(parent=None)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Simple widget wrapper for MPL plotting canvas with the toolbar (for plot zooming/panning)


Set redraw period


Replot the data.

If force==False, and less than self.redraw_period (10ms by default) passed since the last replot event, do nothing.

Module contents