Source code for pylablib.core.utils.string

String search, manipulation and conversion routines.
from future.utils import viewvalues
from .py3 import textstring, as_builtin_bytes, as_str

from . import funcargparse

import re
import fnmatch
import struct
import collections

import numpy as np

##### Searching and equality #####

[docs]def string_equal(name1, name2, case_sensitive=True, as_prefix=False): """ Determine if `name1` and `name2` are equal with taking special rules (`case_sensitive` and `as_prefix`) into account. If ``as_prefix==True``, strings match even if `name1` is just a prefix of `name2`. """ if not case_sensitive: name1=name1.lower() name2=name2.lower() if as_prefix: return name2.startswith(name1) else: return name2==name1
[docs]def find_list_string(name, str_list, case_sensitive=True, as_prefix=False, first_matched=False): """ Find `name` in the string list. Comparison parameters are defined in :func:`string_equal`. If ``first_matched==True``, stop at the first match; otherwise if multiple occurrences happen, raise :exc:`ValueError`. Returns: tuple ``(index, value)``. """ if not case_sensitive: lookup_name=name.lower() else: lookup_name=name found_name=None for i,s in enumerate(str_list): if not case_sensitive: lookup_s=s.lower() else: lookup_s=s if as_prefix: sat=lookup_s.startswith(lookup_name) else: sat=(lookup_s==lookup_name) if sat: if found_name is None: found_name=(i,s) if first_matched: break else: raise ValueError("{0} and {1} both satisfy name {2}".format(found_name[1],s,name)) if found_name is None: raise KeyError("can't find name in the container: {0}".format(name)) return found_name
[docs]def find_dict_string(name, str_dict, case_sensitive=True, as_prefix=False): """ Find name in the string list. Comparison parameters are defined in :func:`string_equal`. If multiple occurrences happen, raise :exc:`ValueError`. Returns: tuple ``(key, value)``. """ if case_sensitive and not as_prefix: try: return name, str_dict[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError("can't find name in the container: {0}".format(name)) found_name=find_list_string(name,str_dict,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,as_prefix=as_prefix)[1] return found_name, str_dict[found_name]
[docs]def find_first_entry(line, elements, start=0, not_found_value=-1): """ Find the index of the earliest position inside the `line` of any of the strings in `elements`, starting from `start`. If none are found, return `not_found_value`. """ first_entry=len(line) for e in elements: pos=line.find(e,start) if pos>0: first_entry=min(first_entry,pos) if first_entry==len(line): return not_found_value return first_entry
##### String filter #####
[docs]def translate_string_filter(filt, syntax, match_case=True, default=False): """ Turns `filt` into a matching function. The matching function takes single :class:`str` argument, returns :class:`bool` value. `filt` can be - ``None``: function always returns default, - :class:`bool`: function always returns this value, - :class:`str`: pattern, determined by `syntax`, - anything else: returned as is (assumed to already be a callable). `syntax` can be ``'re'`` (:mod:`re`), ``'glob'`` (:mod:`glob`) or ``'pred'`` (simply matching predicate). `match_case` determines whether the filter cares about the string case when matching. """ if filt is None: return lambda _: default if isinstance(filt, bool): return lambda _: filt funcargparse.check_parameter_range(syntax,"syntax",{"re","glob","pred"}) if syntax=="re": comp=re.compile(filt,flags=0 if match_case else re.IGNORECASE) return lambda x: (comp.match(x) is not None) elif syntax=="glob": comp=re.compile(fnmatch.translate(filt)) return lambda x: (comp.match(x) is not None) else: return filt
[docs]class StringFilter(object): """ String filter function. Matches string if it matches include (matches all strings by default) and doesn't match exclude (matches nothing by default). Args: include: Inclusion filter (translated by :func:`translate_string_filter`; regex by default). exclude: Exclusion filter (translated by :func:`translate_string_filter`; regex by default). syntax: Default syntax for pattern filters. match_case (bool): Determines whether filter ignores case when matching. """ def __init__(self, include=None, exclude=None, syntax="re", match_case=False): object.__init__(self) self.include=translate_string_filter(include,syntax,match_case=match_case,default=True) self.exclude=translate_string_filter(exclude,syntax,match_case=match_case,default=False) def __call__(self, s): return self.include(s) and not self.exclude(s)
[docs]def get_string_filter(include=None, exclude=None, syntax="re", match_case=False): """ Generate :class:`StringFilter` with the given parameters. If the first argument is already :class:`StringFilter`, return as is. If it's a tuple, expand as argument list. """ if isinstance(include, StringFilter): return include if isinstance(include, tuple): return StringFilter(*include) return StringFilter(include,exclude,syntax=syntax,match_case=match_case)
[docs]def sfglob(include=None, exclude=None): """ Return string filter based on :mod:`glob` syntax. """ return get_string_filter(include=include,exclude=exclude,syntax="glob")
[docs]def sfregex(include=None, exclude=None, match_case=False): """ Return string filter based on :mod:`re` syntax. """ return get_string_filter(include=include,exclude=exclude,syntax="re",match_case=match_case)
[docs]def filter_string_list(l, filt): """ Filter string list based on the filter. """ if filt is None: return l else: filt=get_string_filter(filt) return [f for f in l if filt(f)]
##### Conversion routines ##### class _EmptyString(object): """ Dummy object to represent an empty string for conversion purposes. """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return "" def __repr__(self): return "empty_string" empty_string=_EmptyString() _hard_delimiters="\n\t\v\r" _soft_delimiters=" ," _quotation_characters="\"'" _to_escape=_hard_delimiters+_quotation_characters _escape_special_rules={"\n":"n","\t":"t","\v":"v","\r":"r"} _unescape_special_rules=dict([(v,k) for (k,v) in _escape_special_rules.items()]) _parenthesis_pairs={"(":")", "[":"]", "{":"}"} _border_escaped=_quotation_characters+" "
[docs]def escape_string(value, location="element", quote_type='"'): """ Escape string. Escaping can be partially skipped depending on `location`: - ``"parameter"``: escape only if it contains hard delimiters (``"\\n\\t\\v\\r"``) anywhere or _border_escaped (``"``, ``'`` or space) on the sides (suited for parameters taking the full string); - ``"entry"``: same as above, plus containing soft delimiters anywhere (suited for entries of a table); - ``"element"``: always escaped If `quote_type` is not ``None``, automatically put the string into the specified quotation marks; if `quote_type` is ``None``, all quotation marks are escaped; if it's not ``None``, only `quote_type` marks are escaped. """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(location,"location",{"element","entry","parameter"}) process=False if location=="element": process=True if location in ["parameter","entry"]: if len(value)==0 or (value[0] in _border_escaped) or (value[-1] in _border_escaped): process=True for c in _hard_delimiters: if value.find(c)>=0: process=True if location=="entry": for c in _soft_delimiters: if value.find(c)>=0: process=True if process: value=value.replace("\\","\\\\") for c in _to_escape: if (quote_type is not None) and (c in _quotation_characters) and (c!=quote_type): continue r="\\"+_escape_special_rules.get(c,c) value=value.replace(c,r) if quote_type is not None: value=quote_type+value+quote_type return value
def _numpy_to_str(a, custom_representations=None): """Convert multidimensional numpy array into a string using the standard number representation rules""" if a.ndim==0: return to_string(a,custom_representations=custom_representations,use_classes=True) elif a.ndim==1: return to_string(list(a),custom_representations=custom_representations,use_classes=True) else: return "["+", ".join([_numpy_to_str(e,custom_representations=custom_representations) for e in a])+"]" _default_float_representation="{:.12E}" _default_complex_representation="{:.12E}" _default_int_representation="{:d}" TConversionClass=collections.namedtuple("TConversionClass",["label","cls","to_str","from_str"]) _conversion_classes=[("array",np.ndarray,_numpy_to_str,np.array)]
[docs]def to_string(value, location="element", custom_representations=None, parenthesis_rules="text", use_classes=False): """ Convert value to string with an option of modifying format string. Args: value location (str): Used for converting strings (see :func:`escape_string`). custom_representations (dict): dictionary ``{value_type: fmt}``, where value type can be ``'int'``, ``'float'`` or ``'complex'`` and `fmt` is a :meth:`str.format` string. parenthesis_rules (str): determine how to deal with single-element tuples and complex numbers can be ``"text"`` (single-element tuples are represented with simple parentheses, e.g., ``"(1)"``; complex number are represented without parentheses, e.g., ``"1+2j"``) or ``"python"`` (single-element tuples are represented with a comma in the end, e.g., ``"(1,)"``; complex number are represented with parentheses, e.g., ``"(1+2j)"``) use_classes (bool): if ``True``, use additional representation classes for special objects (e.g., numpy arrays will be represented as ``"array([1, 2, 3])"`` instead of just ``"[1, 2, 3]"``). This improves conversion fidelity, but makes result harder to parse (e.g., by external string parsers). """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(parenthesis_rules,"parenthesis_rules",{"text","python"}) kwargs={"custom_representations":custom_representations,"parenthesis_rules":parenthesis_rules,"use_classes":use_classes} tr=custom_representations or {} if isinstance(value,complex): val=tr.get("complex",_default_complex_representation).format(complex(value)) return val if parenthesis_rules=="text" else "("+val+")" if isinstance(value,float) or isinstance(value,np.floating): return tr.get("float",_default_float_representation).format(float(value)) if isinstance(value,bool): return str(value) if isinstance(value,int) or isinstance(value,np.long) or isinstance(value,np.integer): return tr.get("int",_default_int_representation).format(int(value)) if isinstance(value,textstring): return escape_string(value, location=location) if isinstance(value,list): return "["+", ".join(to_string(e,location="element",**kwargs) for e in value)+"]" if isinstance(value, tuple): val="("+", ".join(to_string(e,location="element",**kwargs) for e in value)+")" return val if parenthesis_rules=="text" else val[:-1]+",)" if isinstance(value, set): return "{"+", ".join(to_string(e,location="element",**kwargs) for e in value)+"}" if isinstance(value, dict): return "{"+", ".join("{}: {}".format( to_string(k,location="element",**kwargs), to_string(v,location="element",**kwargs)) for k,v in value.items())+"}" if isinstance(value,np.ndarray) and not use_classes: if np.ndim(value)==0: return to_string(np.asscalar(value),**kwargs) return to_string(list(value),**kwargs) if use_classes: for label,cls,to_str,_ in _conversion_classes: if isinstance(value,cls): return "{}({})".format(label,to_str(value,custom_representations=custom_representations)) value=str(value) # booleans and None are included here for ec in "\n\v\r": value=value.replace(ec,"\t") return value
_conv_types=[float,int,np.floating,np.integer,textstring,complex,np.long,bool] _cont_types=[list,tuple,set]
[docs]def is_convertible(value): """ Check if the value can be converted to a string using standard :func:`to_string` function. """ for t in _conv_types: if isinstance(value,t): return True for t in _cont_types: if isinstance(value,t): return all(is_convertible(v) for v in value) if isinstance(value,dict): return all(is_convertible(v) for v in viewvalues(value)) and all(is_convertible(v) for v in value) if isinstance(value,np.ndarray) and np.ndim(value)<2: return True return (value is None)
def _extract_digits(s, start=0, maxlen=None): end=start while end<len(s) and (maxlen is None or start+maxlen>end) and s[end].isdigit(): end=end+1 return s[start:end]
[docs]def extract_escaped_string(line, start=0): """ Extract escaped string in quotation marks from the `line`, starting from `start`. ``line[start]`` should be a quotation mark (``'`` or ``"``) or ``b`` followed by a quotation mark (for binary strings). Returns: tuple ``(end position, un-escaped string)``. """ if start==len(line): return start,"" if start>len(line): raise ValueError("starting position is further than line length") if line[start].lower()=="b": binary=True start+=1 else: binary=False start_quote=line[start] if not (start_quote in _quotation_characters): raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") pos=start+1 unescaped="" while True: quote_lookup=line.find(start_quote,pos) if quote_lookup<0: raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") dash_lookup=line.find("\\",pos) if dash_lookup<0 or quote_lookup<dash_lookup: unescaped=unescaped+line[pos:quote_lookup] return quote_lookup+1,(as_builtin_bytes(unescaped) if binary else unescaped) if dash_lookup==len(line)-1: raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") escaped_character=line[dash_lookup+1] if escaped_character=='x': #\x00 hexn=_extract_digits(line,dash_lookup+2,2) if hexn=="": raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") escaped_character=as_str(struct.pack("B",int(hexn,16))) next_pos=dash_lookup+2+len(hexn) elif escaped_character.isdigit(): #\000 octn=_extract_digits(line,dash_lookup+1,3) escaped_character=as_str(struct.pack("B",int(octn,8))) next_pos=dash_lookup+1+len(octn) else: escaped_character=_unescape_special_rules.get(escaped_character,escaped_character) next_pos=dash_lookup+2 unescaped=unescaped+line[pos:dash_lookup]+escaped_character pos=next_pos
[docs]def unescape_string(value): """ Un-escape string. Assume that all quotation marks have been escaped. """ pos,unescaped=extract_escaped_string('"'+value+'"') if pos!=len(value): raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") return unescaped
def _parse_parenthesis_struct(line, start=0, use_classes=True): """ Parse parenthesis structure from the line, starting from start. Takes string constants into account. """ if start>=len(line) or not (line[start] in _parenthesis_pairs): raise ValueError("structure {0} is not well-formatted: non-paired parentheses".format(str)) pos=start+1 open_par=line[start] elts=[] curr_elt=None while True: quote_pos=find_first_entry(line,_quotation_characters,pos,len(line)) delim_pos=find_first_entry(line,[',',':'],pos,len(line)) open_par_pos=find_first_entry(line,_parenthesis_pairs,pos,len(line)) clos_par_pos=find_first_entry(line,_parenthesis_pairs.values(),pos,len(line)) if clos_par_pos==len(line): raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") min_pos=min(quote_pos,delim_pos,open_par_pos,clos_par_pos) if min_pos==quote_pos: gap=line[pos:min_pos] if len(gap)>0 and gap[-1].lower()=="b": min_pos-=1 gap=gap[:-1] if len(gap)>0 and not gap.isspace(): raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") if curr_elt is None: new_pos,escaped_string=extract_escaped_string(line,min_pos) curr_elt=("'",escaped_string) pos=new_pos else: raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") elif min_pos==open_par_pos: gap=line[pos:min_pos] label=None if len(gap)>0 and not gap.isspace(): label=gap.lstrip() if not (use_classes and label in [cc[0] for cc in _conversion_classes]): raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") if curr_elt is None: new_pos,parsed_substructure=_parse_parenthesis_struct(line,min_pos,use_classes=use_classes) if label is None: curr_elt=(line[min_pos],parsed_substructure) else: curr_elt=("e",line[pos:new_pos].strip()) pos=new_pos else: raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") elif min_pos==delim_pos or min_pos==clos_par_pos: closing_token=line[min_pos] if min_pos==clos_par_pos and closing_token!=_parenthesis_pairs[open_par]: raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") if curr_elt is None: curr_elt=("e",line[pos:min_pos].strip()) else: gap=line[pos:min_pos] if len(gap)>0 and not gap.isspace(): raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") elts.append(curr_elt+(closing_token,)) curr_elt=None pos=min_pos+1 if min_pos==clos_par_pos: return min_pos+1,elts
[docs]def to_range(range_tuple): def is_zero(e): return (not e) or (e is empty_string) range_tuple=[0 if is_zero(e) else e for e in range_tuple] return list(np.arange(*range_tuple))
def _convert_parenthesis_struct(struct, case_sensitive=True, parenthesis_rules="text"): """ Covert parsed parenthesis structure into python objects. `parenthesis_rules` determine how to deal with empty entries (e.g., ``[1,,3]``) and complex number representation (``"1+2j"`` vs. ``"(1+2j)"``): - ``'text'``: any empty entries are translated into ``empty_string`` (i.e., ``[,] -> [empty_string, empty_string]``), except for completely empty structures (``[]`` or ``()``); complex numbers are represented without parentheses, so that ``"(1+2j)"`` will be interpreted as a single-element tuple ``(1+2j,)``. - ``'python'``: empty entries in the middle are not allowed; empty entries at the end are ignored (i.e., ``[2,] -> [2]``) (single-element tuple can still be expressed in two ways: ``(e,)`` or ``(e)``); complex numbers are by default represented with parentheses, so that ``"(1+2j)"`` will be interpreted as a complex number, and only ``(1+2j,)``, ``((1+2j))`` or ``((1+2j),)`` as a single-element tuple. """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(parenthesis_rules,"parenthesis_rules",{"text","python"}) elt_type,elt_val,_=struct if elt_type=="e": return from_string(elt_val,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules) elif elt_type in _quotation_characters: return elt_val elif elt_type in _parenthesis_pairs: if parenthesis_rules=="python" and elt_type=="(" and len(elt_val)==1: # complex number check val=elt_val[0] if val[0]=="e" and _complex_re.match("("+val[1]+")"): strval=val[1] try: return complex(strval) except ValueError: pass try: return complex(strval.lower().replace("i","j")) except ValueError: pass if parenthesis_rules=="text": if (len(elt_val)==1) and (elt_val[0][:2]==("e","")): elt_val=[] elif parenthesis_rules=="python": if (len(elt_val)>0) and (elt_val[-1][:2]==("e","")): elt_val=elt_val[:-1] for e in elt_val: if e[:2]==("e",""): raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") closing_tokens=[e[2] for e in elt_val] parsed=[_convert_parenthesis_struct(e,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules) for e in elt_val] if elt_type in "[(": if any([ct==":" for ct in closing_tokens]): #raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") expanded=[] curr_range=tuple() for e_val,e_ct in zip(parsed,closing_tokens): if e_ct==":": if len(curr_range)>1: raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") else: curr_range=curr_range+(e_val,) else: if len(curr_range)==0: expanded.append(e_val) else: curr_range=curr_range+(e_val,) expanded=expanded+to_range(curr_range) curr_range=tuple() parsed=expanded if elt_type=="(": parsed=tuple(parsed) return parsed elif elt_type=="{": if len(parsed)==0: return {} if all([ct=="," for ct in closing_tokens[:-1]]): return set(parsed) elif len(parsed)%2==0 and all([ct==":" for ct in closing_tokens[:-1:2]]) and all([ct=="," for ct in closing_tokens[1:-1:2]]): return dict(zip(parsed[::2],parsed[1::2])) else: raise ValueError("malformatted parenthesis structure") else: raise ValueError("unrecognized element type: {0}".format(elt_type)) _complex_re=re.compile(r"\(([\d.+-Ee]*[+-])?[\d.+-Ee]*[ij]\)|([\d.+-Ee]*[+-])?[\d.+-Ee]*[ij]")
[docs]def from_string(value, case_sensitive=True, parenthesis_rules="text", use_classes=True): """ Parse a string. Recognizes integers, floats, complex numbers (with ``i`` or ``j`` for complex part), strings (in quotation marks), dicts, sets, list and tuples, booleans and ``None``. If item is unrecognizable, assumed to be a string. `case_sensitive` is applied when compared to ``None``, ``True`` or ``False``. `parenthesis_rules` determine how to deal with empty entries (e.g., ``[1,,3]``) and complex number representation (``"1+2j"`` vs. ``"(1+2j)"``): - ``'text'``: any empty entries are translated into ``empty_string`` (i.e., ``[,] -> [empty_string, empty_string]``), except for completely empty structures (``[]`` or ``()``); complex numbers are represented without parentheses, so that ``"(1+2j)"`` will be interpreted as a single-element tuple ``(1+2j,)``. - ``'python'``: empty entries in the middle are not allowed; empty entries at the end are ignored (i.e., ``[2,] -> [2]``) (single-element tuple can still be expressed in two ways: ``(e,)`` or ``(e)``); complex numbers are by default represented with parentheses, so that ``"(1+2j)"`` will be interpreted as a complex number, and only ``(1+2j,)``, ``((1+2j))`` or ``((1+2j),)`` as a single-element tuple. `use_classes`: if ``True``, try to find additional representation classes for special objects (e.g., numpy arrays will be represented as ``"array([1, 2, 3])"`` instead of just ``"[1, 2, 3]"``). """ value=value.strip() if len(value)==0: return empty_string if string_equal(value,"True",case_sensitive=case_sensitive): return True if string_equal(value,"False",case_sensitive=case_sensitive): return False if string_equal(value,"None",case_sensitive=case_sensitive): return None try: return int(value) except ValueError: pass try: return float(value) except ValueError: pass if _complex_re.match(value): try: return complex(value) except ValueError: pass try: return complex(value.lower().replace("i","j")) except ValueError: pass if value[0] in _parenthesis_pairs: pos,parsed_value=_parse_parenthesis_struct(value,use_classes=use_classes) if pos==len(value): # malformatted parentheses structures are treated as strings struct=(value[0],parsed_value,None) return _convert_parenthesis_struct(struct,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules) if value[0] in _quotation_characters or (value[0].lower()=="b" and len(value)>1 and value[1] in _quotation_characters): pos,unescaped=extract_escaped_string(value) if pos!=len(value): raise ValueError("malformatted string representation") return unescaped if use_classes: for label,_,_,from_str in _conversion_classes: if value.startswith(label+"("): parsed=from_string(value[len(label):],case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules) if isinstance(parsed,tuple): return from_str(*parsed) return value
_delimiters=r"\s*,\s*|\s+" _delimiters_regexp=re.compile(_delimiters)
[docs]def from_string_partial(value, delimiters=_delimiters_regexp, case_sensitive=True, parenthesis_rules="text", use_classes=True, return_string=False): """ Convert the first part of the supplied string (bounded by `delimiters`) into a value. `delimites` is a string or a regexp (default is ``"\\s*,\\s*|\\s+"``). If ``return_string==False``, return tuple ``(end position, converted value)``; else, return tuple ``(end position, value string)``. The rest of the parameters is the same as in :func:`from_string`. """ if isinstance(delimiters,textstring): delimiters=re.compile(delimiters) value=value.strip() end=None if value[0] in _parenthesis_pairs: end,parsed_value=_parse_parenthesis_struct(value,use_classes=use_classes) if not return_string: struct=(value[0],parsed_value,None) res=_convert_parenthesis_struct(struct,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules) elif value[0] in _quotation_characters: end,res=extract_escaped_string(value) elif use_classes: for label,_,_,from_str in _conversion_classes: if value.startswith(label+"("): end,parsed=from_string_partial(value[len(label):],delimiters=delimiters,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules,use_classes=use_classes,return_string=return_string) if return_string: if parsed.startswith("(") and parsed.endswith(")"): end,res=end+len(label)+1,parsed else: if isinstance(parsed,tuple): end,res=end+len(label)+1,from_str(*parsed) break if end is not None: if return_string: res=value[:end] m=delimiters.match(value[end:]) if m is not None: end=end+m.end() return end,res else: if m is None: del_pos=(len(value),len(value)) else: del_pos=(m.start(),m.end()) res=value[:del_pos[0]] if not return_string: res=from_string(res) return del_pos[1],res
[docs]def from_row_string(value, delimiters=_delimiters_regexp, case_sensitive=True, parenthesis_rules="text", use_classes=True, return_string=False): """ Convert the row string into a list of values, separated by delimiters. If ``return_string==False``, return list of converted objects; otherwise, return list of unconverted strings. The rest of the parameters is the same as in :func:`from_string_partial`. """ if isinstance(delimiters,textstring): delimiters=re.compile(delimiters) tokens=[] while value: pos,token=from_string_partial(value,delimiters=delimiters,case_sensitive=case_sensitive,parenthesis_rules=parenthesis_rules,use_classes=use_classes,return_string=return_string) tokens.append(token) value=value[pos:] return tokens