Source code for pylablib.core.utils.plotting

Utilities for matplotlib plotting.

from builtins import range

import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
from . import dictionary, funcargparse
from ..dataproc import waveforms

import numpy as np

[docs]class IRecurrentPlot(object): """ Recurrent plot. Can be used to plot multiple similar datasets in the same plot. First ploting call creates figure and axes (calling :meth:`plot_prepare` method); all consecutive calls only change the data (calling :meth:`plot_next` method). This way the figure is preserved between the plotting calls, which decreases resource consumption and minimizes matplotlib memory leaks. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): If not ``None``, the figure to use for plotting. auto_clear (bool): If ``True``, clear plot (empty data) before each subsequent plotting. auto_relim (bool): If ``True``, rescale plot after each plotting. auto_layout (bool): If ``True``, call `tight_layout` after each plotting. """ def __init__(self, fig=None, auto_clear=True, auto_relim=True, auto_layout=True): object.__init__(self) self.fig=fig self.prepared=False self.auto_relim=auto_relim self.auto_clear=auto_clear self.auto_layout=auto_layout self.lines=dictionary.Dictionary() def __setitem__(self, name, line): if isinstance(line,list) and len(line)==1: line=line[0] self.lines[name]=line def __getitem__(self, name): return self.lines[name]
[docs] def plot_prepare(self, *args, **vargs): """ Prepare plot. Abstract method, has to be overloaded in subclasses. Called once before the first plotting happens. """ raise NotImplementedError("IRecurrentPlot.plot_prepare")
[docs] def plot_clear(self): """Clear the ploted data.""" for p in self.lines.iternodes(): try: p.set_data([],[]) except AttributeError: pass return self
[docs] def plot_next(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot data. Abstract method, has to be overloaded in subclasses. Called every time the data is updated. """ raise NotImplementedError("IRecurrentPlot.plot_next")
[docs] def setup_figure(self): """ Create a figure if it hasn't been created already. """ if self.fig is None: self.fig=mpl.figure()
[docs] def setup_prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare the plot if it hasn't been prepared already. """ if not self.prepared: self.setup_figure() self.plot_prepare(*args,**kwargs) self.prepared=True
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot the data. The supplied arguments are redirected to the overloaded methods :meth:`plot_prepare` and :meth:`plot_next`. """ self.setup_prepare(*args,**kwargs) if self.auto_clear: self.plot_clear() self.plot_next(*args,**kwargs) if self.auto_relim: for plt in self.fig.axes: plt.relim() plt.autoscale_view() if self.auto_layout: self.fig.tight_layout() return self
[docs] def savefig(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """ Save the figure to the location defined by `path`. Arguments are passed to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig`. """ if self.fig is not None: self.fig.savefig(path,*args,**kwargs) return self
[docs] def close(self): """Clear and close the figure.""" if self.fig is not None: for plt in self.fig.axes: plt.cla() self.fig.clf() mpl.close(self.fig) self.fig=None self.prepared=False
[docs]class GenericPlotter(IRecurrentPlot): """ Generic multi-axes plotter. Args: axes_num (int): Number of axes in the figure (all are aligned vertically). plots_num: Number of plot lines; can be either an integer (all plots have the same number of lines) or an integer list of length `axes_num`. axes_names ([str]): Names of axes for referencing in plotting (ordered integers by default). log_x/log_y: Use log scale for x/y axes; can be either a single bool (all plots have the same scale) or list of a bool list of length `axes_num`. xlabel/ylabel: Labels for for x/y axes; can be either a single string (all plots have the same axes labels) or a string list with length `axes_num`. legend ([str]): Plot legends xscale/yscale: Scales for x/y axes (supplied data is multiplied by these scales before plotting); can be either a single float (all axes have the same scale) or list of floats with length `axes_num` (all plots in the same axes have the same scale) or list of lists of floats (specifies scale for each line in each plot separately) fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): If not ``None``, the figure to use for plotting. """ def __init__(self, axes_num=1, plots_num=1, axes_names=None, log_x=False, log_y=False, xlabel="", ylabel="", legend=None, xscale=1., yscale=1., fig=None): IRecurrentPlot.__init__(self,fig=fig) self.axes_num=axes_num self.axes_names=axes_names or list(range(axes_num)) self.plots_num=funcargparse.as_sequence(plots_num,axes_num) #plot_names=funcargparse.as_sequence(plot_names,axes_num) #self.plot_names=[funcargparse.as_sequence(pns,pn) if pn else range(pn) for pn,xs in zip(self.plots_num,plot_names)] self.plot_names=[list(range(pn)) for pn in self.plots_num] self.log_x=funcargparse.as_sequence(log_x,axes_num) self.log_y=funcargparse.as_sequence(log_y,axes_num) self.xlabel=funcargparse.as_sequence(xlabel,axes_num) self.ylabel=funcargparse.as_sequence(ylabel,axes_num) xscale=funcargparse.as_sequence(xscale,axes_num) yscale=funcargparse.as_sequence(yscale,axes_num) self.xscale=[funcargparse.as_sequence(xs,pn) for pn,xs in zip(self.plots_num,xscale)] self.yscale=[funcargparse.as_sequence(ys,pn) for pn,ys in zip(self.plots_num,yscale)] #legend=funcargparse.as_sequence(legend,axes_num) #self.legend=[funcargparse.as_sequence(l,pn,allowed_type="builtin;nostring") for pn,l in zip(self.plots_num,legend)] self.legend=funcargparse.as_sequence(legend,axes_num)
[docs] def plot_prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare the plot if it hasn't been prepared already. """ for a in range(self.axes_num): an=self.axes_names[a] ax=self.fig.add_subplot(self.axes_num,1,a+1) for pn in self.plot_names[a]: self[an,pn]=ax.plot([],[]) if self.log_x[a]: ax.set_xscale("log") if self.log_y[a]: ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel[a]) ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel[a]) ax.grid(which="both")
[docs] def plot_next(self, data, legend=None): """ Plot data. Data is a list of lists ``[axes_num][plot_num]`` of 1D or 2D 2-columns array. """ data=funcargparse.as_sequence(data,self.axes_num,allowed_type="builtin;nostring") legend=funcargparse.as_sequence(legend,self.axes_num,allowed_type="builtin;nostring") if (legend is not None) else self.legend for a in range(self.axes_num): an=self.axes_names[a] ad=funcargparse.as_sequence(data[a],self.plots_num[a],allowed_type="builtin;nostring") l=legend[a] for p,pn in enumerate(self.plot_names[a]): d=np.asarray(ad[p]) xs,ys=self.xscale[a][p],self.yscale[a][p] if np.ndim(d)==1: self[an,pn].set_data(np.arange(len(d))*xs,d*ys) else: self[an,pn].set_data(d[:,0]*xs,d[:,1]*ys) if l is not None: self.fig.axes[a].legend(l) else: self.fig.axes[a].legend([]).set_visible(False)
[docs]def add_all_subplots(fig, r, c=None, *args, **vargs): if c is None: r,c=r//10,r%10 for n in range(1,r*c+1): fig.add_subplot(r,c,n,*args,**vargs) return fig.axes[-r*c:]
[docs]def iterlabels(obj, include=["axes","ticks","title"]): """ Iterate over text labels in `obj`. Args: obj: can be a single ``Axes`` or a ``Figure`` (in which case iteration goes over all contained axes). include ([str]): determines which kind of labels are iterated over. Can contain ``"axes"`` (axes label), ``"ticks"`` (axes tick labels) and ``"title"`` (plot title). """ if isinstance(obj,mpl.Figure): for ax in obj.axes: for lab in iterlabels(ax, include=include): yield lab return if "axes" in include: yield obj.xaxis.label yield obj.yaxis.label if "ticks" in include: for lab in obj.get_xticklabels()+obj.get_yticklabels(): yield lab if "title" in include: yield obj.title
[docs]def plot_func(func, rng, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a callable function over a given range. `rng` is a tuple `(start, stop, points_number)` passed to :func:`numpy.linspace` to generate plot points. The rest of the arguments is the same as in :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ xs=np.linspace(*rng) mpl.plot(xs,func(xs),*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def plot_columns(data, x_column, y_column, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot two data columns vs each other. """ xs=waveforms.get_x_column(data,x_column) ys=waveforms.get_y_column(data,y_column) mpl.plot(xs,ys,*args,**kwargs)