Source code for pylablib.core.utils.numerical

Numerical functions that don't deal with sequences (those are contained in waveforms.general).
from __future__ import division
from builtins import range

import math

[docs]def gcd(*numbers): """Euclid's algorithm for GCD. Arguments are cast to integer.""" def gcd2(a,b): a=abs(int(a)) b=abs(int(b)) a,b = max(a,b), min(a,b) while b>0: a,b=b,a%b return a if len(numbers)==0: return 1 res=numbers[0] for n in numbers[1:]: res=gcd2(n,res) return res
[docs]def integer_distance(x): """Get distance to the closes integer""" return abs(x-round(x))
[docs]def gcd_approx(a, b, min_fraction=1E-8, tolerance=1E-5): """ Approximate Euclid's algorithm for possible non-integer values. Try to find a number `d` such that ``a/d`` and ``b/d`` are less than `tolerance` away from a closest integer. If GCD becomes less than ``min_fraction * min(a, b)``, raise :exc:`ArithmeticError`. """ a=abs(a) b=abs(b) a,b = max(a,b), min(a,b) a0,b0 = a,b if b==0: raise ArithmeticError("Can't find GCD if one of numbers is 0") min_gcd=b*min_fraction while b>=min_gcd: if (integer_distance(a0/b)+integer_distance(b0/b))<=tolerance: return b a,b = b,a%b raise ArithmeticError("Can't find approximate GCD for numbers",a0,b0)
[docs]def round_significant(x, n): """ Rounds `x` to `n` significant digits (not the same as `n` decimal places!). """ if x==0.: return 0. exp10=10**int(math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x)))) return exp10*round(x/exp10,n)
[docs]def limit_to_range(x, min_val=None, max_val=None, default=0): """ Confine `x` to the given limit. Default limit values are ``None``, which means no limit. """ if (min_val is None) and (max_val is None): return x if x is not None else default if min_val is None: return min(max_val,x) if x is not None else max_val if max_val is None: return max(min_val,x) if x is not None else min_val return sorted([min_val,x,max_val])[1] if x is not None else (max_val+min_val)/2.
[docs]class infinite_list(object): """ Mimics the behavior of the usual list, but is infinite and immutable. Supports accessing elements, slicing (including slices giving infinite lists) and iterating. Iterating over it naturally leads to an infinite loop, so it should only be used either for finite slices or for loops with break condition. Args: start: The first element of the list. step: List step. """ def __init__(self, start=0, step=1): object.__init__(self) self.start=start self.step=step def __len__(self): raise ValueError("Can't express length of an infinite list") def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx,slice): start,stop,step=idx.start,idx.stop,idx.step if step is None: step=1 if step==0: raise ValueError("Slice step can't be zero") if stop is None: stop=-1 if step<0: if start is None or start<0: raise ValueError("Can't reverse infinite list") return [self[i] for i in range(start,stop,step)] else: if start is None: start=0 if stop<0: return infinite_list(self[start],self.step*step) else: return [self[i] for i in range(start,stop,step)] else: if idx<0: raise ValueError("Can't access tail element of an infinite list") return self.start+self.step*idx def __setitem__(self, *args): raise ValueError("Can't change element of an immutable list") def __delitem__(self, *args): raise ValueError("Can't delete element of an immutable list") def __contains__(self, value): if self.step==0: return value==self.start else: return ((value-self.start)*self.step>=0) and ((value-self.start)%self.step==0)
[docs] class counter(object): def __init__(self, lst): object.__init__(self) self.lst=lst self.idx=0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): elt=self.lst[self.idx] self.idx=self.idx+1 return elt next=__next__
def __iter__(self): return self.counter(self) def __str__(self): return "[{0}, {1}, {2}, ...]".format(self[0],self[1],self[2]) def __repr__(self): return "infinite_list("+str(self)+")"
### Various arithmetic functions for map/sort routines.
[docs]def unity(): """Return a unity function""" return lambda x:x
[docs]def constant(c): """ Return a function which returns a constant `c`. `c` can only be either a scalar, or an array-like object with the shape matching the expected argument. """ return lambda x:x*0+c
[docs]def polynomial(coeffs): """ Return a polynomial function which with coefficients `coeffs`. Coefficients are list lowest-order first, so that ``coeffs[i]`` is the coefficient in front of ``x**i``. """ if len(coeffs)==0: return lambda x:x*0 def f(x): y=(x*0)+coeffs[0] for p,c in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): y=y+c*x**(p+1) return y return f