Source code for pylablib.core.utils.numclass

Contains utilities for simplifying emulation of numerical classes.

from __future__ import division

[docs]def iadd(a, b): a+=b return a
[docs]def isub(a, b): a-=b return a
[docs]def imul(a, b): a*=b return a
[docs]def idiv(a, b): a/=b return a
[docs]def ipow(a, b): a**=b return a
[docs]def ifloordiv(a, b): a//=b return a
[docs]def imod(a, b): a%=b return a
[docs]def ilshift(a, b): a<<=b return a
[docs]def irshift(a, b): a>>=b return a
[docs]def iand(a, b): a&=b return a
[docs]def ior(a, b): a|=b return a
[docs]def ixor(a, b): a^=b return a
[docs]class NumClass(object): """ Simplifies numerical class emulation. Defines all of the built-in arithmetic functions and generic methods for handling them. The most generic method is .. automethod:: _perform_numop The other more specialized methods are (by default they all invoke :meth:`_perform_numop`): Methods: _perform_numop_l: Binary operations with the object as the first argument (e.g., ``obj + x``). _perform_numop_r: Binary operations with the object as the second argument (e.g., ``x + obj``). _perform_numop_i: Binary in-place operations (e.g., ``obj += x``). _perform_numop_u: Unary operations (e.g., ``-obj``). _perform_numop_comp: Binary comparison operation (e.g., ``obj < x``). A class-level set `_numops_impl` contains symbols for operations which are implemented. By default, the operations not contained in `_numops_impl` raise :exc:`NotImplementedError`. The operation symbols are: - arithmetic binary operations with the object as the first argument: ``'l+'``, ``'l-'``, ``'l*'``, ``'l/'``, ``'l**'``, ``'l//'``, ``'l%'`` (contained in constant `_numops_arith_l`) - arithmetic binary operations with the object as the second argument: ``'r+'``, ``'r-'``, ``'r*'``, ``'r/'``, ``'r**'``, ``'r//'``, ``'r%'`` (contained in constant `_numops_arith_r`) - arithmetic binary in-place operations: ``'i+'``, ``'i-'``, ``'i*'``, ``'i/'``, ``'i**'``, ``'i//'``, ``'i%'`` (contained in constant `_numops_arith_i`) - arithmetic unary operations: ``'u+'``, ``'u-'``, ``'uabs'`` (contained in constant `_numops_arith_u`) - bitwise binary operations with the object as the first argument: ``'l<<'``, ``'l>>'``, ``'l&'``, ``'l|'``, ``'l^'`` (contained in constant `_numops_bitwise_l`) - bitwise binary operations with the object as the second argument: ``'r<<'``, ``'r>>'``, ``'r&'``, ``'r|'``, ``'r^'`` (contained in constant `_numops_bitwise_r`) - bitwise binary in-place operations: ``'i<<'``, ``'i>>'``, ``'i&'``, ``'i|'``, ``'i^'`` (contained in constant `_numops_bitwise_i`) - bitwise unary operations: ``'u~'`` (contained in constant `_numops_bitwise_u`) - comparison operations: ``'<'``, ``'<='``, ``'>'``, ``'>='``, ``'=='``, ``'!='`` (contained in constant `_numpos_comp`) """ _numops_impl=set() _numops_arith_l={"l+","l-","l*","l/","l**","l//","l%"} _numops_arith_r={"r+","r-","r*","r/","r**","r//","r%"} _numops_arith_i={"i+","i-","i*","i/","i**","i//","i%"} _numops_arith_u={"u+","u-","uabs"} _numops_bitwise_l={"l<<","l>>","l&","l|","l^"} _numops_bitwise_r={"r<<","r>>","r&","r|","r^"} _numops_bitwise_i={"i<<","i>>","i&","i|","i^"} _numops_bitwise_u={"u~"} _numpos_comp={"<","<=","==","!=",">",">="} _numops_l=set.union(_numops_arith_l,_numops_bitwise_l) _numops_r=set.union(_numops_arith_r,_numops_bitwise_r) _numops_i=set.union(_numops_arith_i,_numops_bitwise_i) _numops_arith=set.union(_numops_arith_l,_numops_arith_r,_numops_arith_i,_numops_arith_u) _numops_bitwise=set.union(_numops_bitwise_l,_numops_bitwise_r,_numops_bitwise_i,_numops_bitwise_u) _numops_all=set.union(_numops_arith,_numops_bitwise,_numpos_comp)
[docs] def _perform_numop(self, x, op_func, op_sym): """ Perform a numeric operation. Abstract method, has to be overloaded in subclasses. Args: x: A second argument (``None`` if the operation is unary). op_func (callable): A default function which performs the operation (e.g., ``lambda (x, y): x + y`` for addition). op_sym (str): A symbol for the operation. """ raise NotImplementedError("NumClass._perform_numop")
[docs] def _perform_numop_l(self, x, op_func, op_sym): """_perform_numop_l docstring""" return self._perform_numop(x,op_func,op_sym)
[docs] def _perform_numop_r(self, x, op_func, op_sym): return self._perform_numop(x,op_func,op_sym)
[docs] def _perform_numop_i(self, x, op_func, op_sym): return self._perform_numop(x,op_func,op_sym)
[docs] def _perform_numop_u(self, op_func, op_sym): return self._perform_numop(None,op_func,op_sym)
[docs] def _perform_numop_comp(self, x, op_func, op_sym): return self._perform_numop(x,op_func,op_sym)
def _test_op_impl(self, op_sym): if not op_sym in self._numops_impl: raise NotImplementedError("{}.{}".format(type(self).__name__,op_sym)) def _call_numop_l(self, x, op_func, op_sym): self._test_op_impl(op_sym) return self._perform_numop_l(x,op_func,op_sym) def _call_numop_r(self, x, op_func, op_sym): self._test_op_impl(op_sym) return self._perform_numop_r(x,op_func,op_sym) def _call_numop_i(self, x, op_func, op_sym): self._test_op_impl(op_sym) return self._perform_numop_i(x,op_func,op_sym) def _call_numop_u(self, op_func, op_sym): self._test_op_impl(op_sym) return self._perform_numop_u(op_func,op_sym) def _call_numop_comp(self, x, op_func, op_sym): self._test_op_impl(op_sym) return self._perform_numop_comp(x,op_func,op_sym) def __add__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a+b, "l+") def __sub__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a-b, "l-") def __mul__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a*b, "l*") def __div__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a/b, "l/") __truediv__=__div__ def __pow__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a**b, "l**") def __floordiv__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a//b, "l//") def __mod__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a%b, "l%") def __divmod__(self, x): return (self.__floordiv__(x), self.__mod__(x)) def __radd__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b+a, "r+") def __rsub__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b-a, "r-") def __rmul__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b*a, "r*") def __rdiv__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b/a, "r/") __rtruediv__=__rdiv__ def __rpow__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b**a, "r**") def __rfloordiv__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b//a, "r//") def __rmod__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b%a, "r%") def __rdivmod__(self, x): return (self.__rfloordiv__(x), self.__rmod__(x)) def __iadd__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,iadd, "i+") def __isub__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,isub, "i-") def __imul__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,imul, "i*") def __idiv__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,idiv, "i/") __itruediv__=__idiv__ def __ipow__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,ipow, "i**") def __ifloordiv__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,ifloordiv, "i//") def __imod__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,imod, "i%") def __pos__(self): return self._call_numop_u(lambda a,_=None: +a, "u+") def __neg__(self): return self._call_numop_u(lambda a,_=None: -a, "u-") def __abs__(self): return self._call_numop_u(lambda a,_=None: abs(a), "uabs") def __lshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a<<b, "l<<") def __rshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a>>b, "l>>") def __and__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a&b, "l&") def __or__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a|b, "l|") def __xor__(self, x): return self._call_numop_l(x,lambda a,b: a^b, "l^") def __rlshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b<<a, "r<<") def __rrshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b>>a, "r>>") def __rand__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b&a, "r&") def __ror__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b|a, "r|") def __rxor__(self, x): return self._call_numop_r(x,lambda a,b: b^a, "r^") def __ilshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,ilshift, "i<<") def __irshift__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,irshift, "i>>") def __iand__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,iand, "i&") def __ior__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,ior, "i|") def __ixor__(self, x): return self._call_numop_i(x,ixor, "i^") def __invert__(self): return self._call_numop_u(lambda a,_=None: ~a, "u~") def __lt__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a< b, "<") def __le__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a<=b, "<=") def __eq__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a==b, "==") def __ne__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a!=b, "!=") def __gt__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a> b, ">") def __ge__(self, x): return self._call_numop_comp(x,lambda a,b: a>=b, ">=")