Source code for

A wrapper for built-in TCP/IP routines.

import socket, json, contextlib
from . import funcargparse, strpack, general, py3

[docs]class SocketError(socket.error): """ Base socket error class. """ pass
[docs]class SocketTimeout(SocketError): """ Socket timeout error. """ pass
def _wait_sock_func(func, timeout, wait_callback): if wait_callback is None: return func() cnt=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: try: return func() except socket.timeout: wait_callback() if cnt.passed(): raise
[docs]def get_local_addr(): """Get local IP address.""" return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
[docs]def get_all_local_addr(): """Get a list of all local IP address.""" return socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2]
[docs]def get_local_hostname(): """Get a local host name.""" return socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[0]
[docs]class ClientSocket(object): """ A client socket (used to connect to a server socket). Args: sock (socket.socket): If not ``None``, use already created socket. timeout (float): The timeout used for connecting and sending/receiving (``None`` means no timeout). wait_callback (callable): Called periodically (every 100ms by default) while waiting for connecting or sending/receiving. send_method (str): Default sending method. recv_method (str): Default receiving method. datatype (str): Type of the returned data; can be ``"bytes"`` (return `bytes` object), ``"str"`` (return `str` object), or ``"auto"`` (default Python result: `str` in Python 2 and `bytes` in Python 3) nodelay (bool): Whether to enable ``TCP_NODELAY``. Possible sending/receiving methods are: - ``'fixedlen'``: data is sent as is, and receiving requires to know the length of the message; - ``'decllen'``: data is prepended by a length, and receiving reads this length and doesn't need predetermined length info. Attributes: sock (socket.socket): Correpsonding Python socket. decllen_bo (str): Byteorder of the prependend length for ``'decllen'`` sending method. Can be either ``'>'`` (big-endian, default) or ``'<'``. decllen_ll (int): Length of the prependend length for ``'decllen'`` sending method; default is 4 bytes. """ _default_wait_callback_timeout=0.1 def __init__(self, sock=None, timeout=None, wait_callback=None, send_method="decllen", recv_method="decllen", datatype="auto", nodelay=False): funcargparse.check_parameter_range(send_method,"send_method",{"fixedlen","decllen"}) funcargparse.check_parameter_range(recv_method,"recv_method",{"fixedlen","decllen"}) funcargparse.check_parameter_range(datatype,"datatype",{"auto","str","bytes"}) object.__init__(self) self.nodelay=nodelay self.sock=sock or socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) if self.nodelay: self.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP,socket.TCP_NODELAY,1) self.connected=False self.timeout=timeout self.wait_callback=wait_callback if wait_callback is not None: self.sock.settimeout(self._default_wait_callback_timeout) elif timeout is not None: self.sock.settimeout(timeout) self.send_method=send_method self.recv_method=recv_method self.datatype=datatype self.decllen_bo=">" self.decllen_ll=4
[docs] def set_wait_callback(self, wait_callback=None): """Set callback function for waiting during connecting or sending/receiving.""" self.wait_callback=wait_callback if wait_callback is not None: self.sock.settimeout(self._default_wait_callback_timeout) else: self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout)
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout=None): """Set timeout for connecting or sending/receiving.""" self.timeout=timeout if self.wait_callback is None: self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout)
[docs] def get_timeout(self): """Get timeout for connecting or sending/receiving.""" return self.timeout
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def using_timeout(self, timeout=None): """Context manager for usage of a different timeout inside a block.""" if timeout is not None: to=self.get_timeout() self.set_timeout(timeout) try: yield finally: if timeout is not None: self.set_timeout(to)
def _connect_callback(self): self.sock.close() self.sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) if self.nodelay: self.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP,socket.TCP_NODELAY,1) if self.wait_callback: self.sock.settimeout(self._default_wait_callback_timeout) elif self.timeout is not None: self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) if self.wait_callback: self.wait_callback()
[docs] def connect(self, host, port): """Connect to a remote host.""" def sock_func(): self.sock.connect((host,port)) self.connected=True return _wait_sock_func(sock_func,self.timeout,self._connect_callback)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection.""" try: self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: pass try: self.sock.close() except socket.error: pass self.connected=False
[docs] def is_connected(self): """Check if the connection is opened""" return self.connected
def __bool__(self): return self.is_connected()
[docs] def get_local_name(self): """Return IP address and port of this socket.""" return self.sock.getsockname()
[docs] def get_peer_name(self): """Return IP address and port of the peer socket.""" return self.sock.getpeername()
def _recv_wait(self, l): sock_func=lambda: self.sock.recv(l) try: recvd=_wait_sock_func(sock_func,self.timeout,self.wait_callback) except socket.timeout: raise SocketTimeout("timeout while receiving") except ConnectionResetError: raise SocketError("connection closed while receiving") if len(recvd)==0: raise SocketError("connection closed while receiving") return recvd def _send_wait(self, msg): sock_func=lambda: self.sock.send(py3.as_builtin_bytes(msg)) return _wait_sock_func(sock_func,self.timeout,self.wait_callback)
[docs] def recv_fixedlen(self, l): """Receive fixed-length message of length `l`.""" chunks=[] lread=0 while lread<l: chunks.append(self._recv_wait(l-lread)) lread+=len(chunks[-1]) buf=b"".join(chunks) return py3.as_datatype(buf,self.datatype)
[docs] def recv_delimiter(self, delim, lmax=None, chunk_l=1024, strict=False): """ Receive a single message ending with a delimiter `delim` (can be several characters, or list several possible delimiter strings). `lmax` specifies the maximal received length (`None` means no limit). `chunk_l` specifies the size of data chunk to be read in one try. If ``strict==False``, keep receiving as much data as possible until a delimiter is found in the end (only works properly if a single line is expected); otherwise, receive the data byte-by-byte and stop as soon as a delimiter is found (equivalent ot setting ``chunk_l=1``). """ buf=b"" if isinstance(delim, py3.anystring): delim=[delim] delim=[py3.as_builtin_bytes(d) for d in delim] if strict: chunk_l=1 while not any([buf.endswith(d) for d in delim]): buf=buf+self._recv_wait(chunk_l) if (lmax is not None) and len(buf)>lmax: break return py3.as_datatype(buf,self.datatype)
[docs] def recv_decllen(self): """ Receive variable-length message (prepended by its length). Length format is described by `decllen_bo` and `decllen_ll` attributes. """ len_msg=self.recv_fixedlen(self.decllen_ll) l=strpack.unpack_uint(len_msg,self.decllen_bo) return self.recv_fixedlen(l)
[docs] def recv(self, l=None): """ Receive a message using the default method. """ if self.send_method=="decllen": return self.recv_decllen() else: return self.recv_fixedlen(l)
[docs] def recv_all(self, chunk_l=1024): """ Receive all of the data currently in the socket. `chunk_l` specifies the size of data chunk to be read in one try. For technical reasons, use 1ms timeout (i.e., this operation takes 1ms). """ buf=b"" with self.using_timeout(1E-3): try: while True: buf+=self._recv_wait(chunk_l) except SocketTimeout: pass return py3.as_datatype(buf,self.datatype)
[docs] def recv_ack(self, l=None): """Receive a message using the default method and send an acknowledgement (message length).""" msg=self.recv(l=l) ack_msg=strpack.pack_uint(len(msg),self.decllen_ll,self.decllen_bo) self.send_fixedlen(ack_msg) return msg
[docs] def send_fixedlen(self, msg): """Send a message as is.""" sent_total=0 while sent_total<len(msg): try: sent=self._send_wait(msg[sent_total:]) except socket.timeout: raise SocketTimeout("timeout while sending") if sent==0: raise SocketError("connection closed while sending") sent_total=sent_total+sent return sent_total
[docs] def send_decllen(self, msg): """ Send a message as a variable-length (prepending its length in the sent message). Length format is described by `decllen_bo` and `decllen_ll` attributes. """ len_msg=strpack.pack_uint(len(msg),self.decllen_ll,self.decllen_bo) msg=py3.as_builtin_bytes(msg) if self.nodelay: return self.send_fixedlen(len_msg+msg)-len(len_msg) else: self.send_fixedlen(len_msg) return self.send_fixedlen(msg)
[docs] def send_delimiter(self, msg, delimiter): """ Send a message with a delimiter `delim` (can be several characters). """ return self.send_fixedlen(msg+delimiter)-len(delimiter)
[docs] def send(self, msg): """ Send a message using the default method. """ if self.send_method=="decllen": return self.send_decllen(msg) else: return self.send_fixedlen(msg)
[docs] def send_ack(self, msg): """ Send a message using default method and wait for acknowledgement (message length). If the acknowledgement message length doesn't agree, raise :exc:`SocketError`. """ res=self.send(msg) ack_msg=self.recv_fixedlen(self.decllen_ll) l=strpack.unpack_uint(ack_msg,self.decllen_bo) if l!=len(msg): raise SocketError("acknowledgement message contains wrong length: expect {}, got {}".format(len(msg),l)) return res
[docs]def recv_JSON(socket, chunk_l=1024, strict=True): """ Receive a complete JSON token from the socket. `chunk_l` specifies the size of data chunk to be read in one try. If ``strict==False``, keep receiving as much data as possible until the received data forms a complete JSON token. otherwise, receive the data byte-by-byte and stop as soon as a token is formed (equivalent ot setting ``chunk_l=1``). """ msg="" if socket.datatype=="str" else b"" while True: msg+=socket.recv_delimiter("}",chunk_l=chunk_l,strict=strict) try: json.loads(msg) return msg except ValueError: pass
[docs]def listen(host, port, conn_func, port_func=None, wait_callback=None, timeout=None, backlog=10, wrap_socket=True, connections_number=None, socket_args=None): """ Run a server socket at the given host and port. Args: host (str): Server host address. If ``None``, use the local host defined by :func:`socket.gethostname`. port (int): Server port. If ``0``, generate an arbitrary free port. conn_func (callable): Called with the client socket as a single argument every time a connection is established. port_func (callable): Called with the port as a single argument when the listening starts (useful with ``port=0``). wait_callback (callable): A callback function which is called periodically (every 100ms by default) while awaiting for connections. timeout (float): Timeout for waiting for the connections (``None`` is no timeout). backlog (int): Backlog length for the socket (see :meth:`socket.socket.listen`). wrap_socket (bool): If ``True``, wrap the client socket of the connection into :class:`ClientSocket` class; otherwise, return :class:`socket.socket` object. connections_number (int): Specifies maximal number of connections before the listening function returns (by default, the number is unlimited). socket_args (dict): parameters passed to :class:`ClientSocket` constructor. Checking for connections is paused until `conn_func` returns. If multiple connections are expected, `conn_func` should spawn a separate processing thread and return. """ if host is None: host=socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) serv_sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) if wait_callback is not None: serv_sock.settimeout(_listen_wait_callback_timeout) elif timeout is not None: serv_sock.settimeout(timeout) serv_sock.bind((host,port)) if port_func: port_func(serv_sock.getsockname()[1]) serv_sock.listen(backlog) def sock_func(): client_sock,_=serv_sock.accept() if wrap_socket: client_sock=ClientSocket(client_sock,**(socket_args or {})) conn_func(client_sock) try: cnt=0 while True: _wait_sock_func(sock_func,timeout,wait_callback) cnt+=1 if connections_number is not None and cnt>=connections_number: return finally: serv_sock.close()