Source code for pylablib.core.utils.log

Logging class that incorporates making file and console logs.
The actions taken can be altered for different message types and level ranges.

# from io import open
from builtins import range
from .py3 import textstring

from datetime import datetime
from . import dictionary, funcargparse
from . import files as file_utils
import os.path
import sys
import re


level_classes={"misc":0, "note":10, "warning":20, "error":30, "failure":40}
[docs]def normalize_level(level): if level in level_classes: return (level_classes[level],level) level=int(level) if level<0: return (0,"misc") if level<10: return (level,"misc") if level<20: return (level,"note") elif level<30: return (level,"warning") elif level<40: return (level,"error") elif level<50: return (level,"failure") else: return (_max_level-1,"failure")
kind_classes=["progress", "debug", "unexpected", "info", "exectime"]
[docs]class ILogAction(object): """ The interface for a log action. """
[docs] def report(self, message="", origin=None, kind=None, level="note", display=None, continued=False): """ Report an event. Args: message(str): log message origin(str): origin of the message. Can be anything, generally specifies position in the code/runtime kind(str): kind of the message. Can be anything, predefined kinds are: ``'progress'`` (general execution flow), ``'debug'`` (debugging messages), ``'unexpected'`` (unexpected situation), ``'info'`` (generic information), ``'exectime'`` (execution timing) level(int or str): severity of the event. Can be an integer between 0 and 50, or one of the predefined levels: ``'misc'`` (0), ``'note'`` (10), ``'warning'`` (20), ``'error'`` (30), ``'failure'`` (40) display(str or tuple): message display parameters, which overrides default class parameters. List of symbols specifying which elements show up in the log record: ``'t'`` (event time), ``'l'`` (level), ``'k'`` (kind), ``'o'`` (origin) If `display` is a tuple, it defines two formats: for a full record, and for a continued record (added after a record with ``continued==True``) continued(bool): if ``True``, the event is assumed to be incomplete, and the next report will continue the current record (applicable to console or file logging, but not error raising) """ raise NotImplementedError("")
[docs]class LogAction_None(ILogAction): """ Log action that does nothing. """
[docs] def report(self, message="", origin=None, kind=None, level="note", display=None, continued=False): pass
[docs]class IMessageLogAction(ILogAction): """ A generic log action that generates a text message. Operation performed on the text is defined in subclass by overloading :meth:`report_text`. Args: display(str or tuple): default display format (see :meth:`report` for details) min_display(str or tuple): default "minimal" display format (applied to all messages regardless of other display parameters) """ def __init__(self, display=("lko",""), min_display=("","")): ILogAction.__init__(self) self.display=display self.min_display=min_display self.continuing=False self.time_width=30 self.level_width=8 self.kind_width=10 self.origin_width=0 self.horizontal_width=self.time_width+self.level_width+self.kind_width+self.origin_width+20 self.format_alias={}
[docs] def format_time(self, time=None): """Build a time string.""" time=time or return time.strftime("[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f]").ljust(self.time_width)
[docs] def format_level(self, level): """Build a level string.""" lev_class=normalize_level(level) return "{0}({1:02d})".format(lev_class[1].upper(),lev_class[0]).ljust(self.level_width+4)
[docs] def format_kind(self, kind): """Build a kind string.""" return ("["+kind.lower()+"]").ljust(self.kind_width)
[docs] def format_origin(self, origin): """Build an origin string.""" return ("@"+origin).rjust(self.origin_width+1)
[docs] def special_format(self, message): """Build a format string.""" message=self.format_alias.get(message,message) parts=[p.strip() for p in message.split("|")] result="" for p in parts: if p.startswith("lineskip"): lstr=p[8:].strip() l=int(lstr) if lstr else 1 result=result+"\n"*l if p.startswith("horizontal"): lstr=p[10:].strip() l=int(lstr) if lstr else self.horizontal_width result=result+"="*l return result
[docs] def format_message(self, message="", origin=None, kind=None, level="note", display=None): """ Build a report string. Parameters are the same as :meth:`report`, except for the missing `continuing` parameter. """ if message.startswith("%%"): return self.special_format(message[2:]) if display is None: display=self.display display=display[self.continuing] if isinstance(display,tuple) else display display=display+(self.min_display[self.continuing] if isinstance(self.min_display, tuple) else self.min_display) txt="" if "t" in display: txt=self.format_time() if "l" in display: l=self.format_level(level) txt=txt+l if kind and "k" in display: k=self.format_kind(kind) txt=txt+k if txt else k if origin and "o" in display: o=self.format_origin(origin) txt=txt+" "+o if txt else o return txt+": "+message if txt else message
[docs] def report_text(self, txt): """ Report the generated text. To be overloaded in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("MessageLogAction.report_text")
[docs] def report(self, message="", origin=None, kind=None, level="note", display=None, continued=False): if continued: self.report_text(self.format_message(message,origin,kind,level,display)) self.continuing=True else: self.report_text(self.format_message(message,origin,kind,level,display)+"\n") self.continuing=False
[docs]class LogAction_Console(IMessageLogAction): """ The log action that generates a report text and writes it to the console. """ def __init__(self): IMessageLogAction.__init__(self) self.horizontal_width=79 self.format_alias={"linebreak":"lineskip", "parbreak":"lineskip 2", "pagebreak":"lineskip 4"}
[docs] def report_text(self, txt): """Write the message to the console.""" sys.stdout.write(txt) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class LogAction_File(IMessageLogAction): """ The log action that generates a report text and writes it to a log file. Args: path(str): path to the log file. The file is always appended. display(str or tuple): default display format (see :meth:`` for details) min_display(str or tuple): default "minimal" display format (applied to all messages regardless of other display parameters) """ def __init__(self, path=None, display=("tlko",""), min_display=("tlko","")): IMessageLogAction.__init__(self,display=display,min_display=min_display) self.origin_width=20 self.path=path self.horizontal_width=self.time_width+self.level_width+self.kind_width+self.origin_width+50 self.format_alias={"linebreak":"", "parbreak":"lineskip", "pagebreak":"lineskip|horizontal|lineskip"}
[docs] def report_text(self, txt): """Write the message to the log file.""" if self.path: try: with open(self.path,"a") as f: f.write(txt) except IOError: folder=os.path.split(self.path)[0] file_utils.retry_ensure_dir(folder)
[docs]class LogError(Exception): """ The standard log exception. Raised on :class:`LogAction_Exception` action. """ def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self) self.message=message def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class LogAction_Exception(IMessageLogAction): """ The log action that generates a report text and raises a :exc:`LogError` exception with it. """ def __init__(self, display="tlko"): IMessageLogAction.__init__(self,display=display)
[docs] def report_text(self, txt): raise LogError(txt)
[docs]class Log(object): """ Log object. Handles dispatching of report to appropriate actions according to the set rules (see :meth:`add_rule`). Actions can be added using :meth:`add_named_action`. The pre-existing actions are: - ``'console'`` (prints the message to the console, see :class:`LogAction_Console`) - ``'file'`` (writes the message to a log file, see :class:`LogAction_File`) - ``'exception'`` (raises message as an exception, see :class:`LogAction_Exception`). Args: enabled(bool): determines if the logger is enabled by default (a disabled logger never invokes any actions). """ def __init__(self, enabled=True): object.__init__(self) self.enabled=enabled self._actions_dict={"none":LogAction_None(), "console":LogAction_Console(), "exception":LogAction_Exception(), "file":LogAction_File()} self.add_named_action("file.error",LogAction_File()) self._rules=dictionary.PrefixTree() # PrefixTree[dict[list[dict]]] PrefixTree -> origin, dict -> kind, list -> level, dict-> action:kwargs self._hash={}
[docs] def enable(self, enabled=True): """Enable or disable the log.""" self.enabled=enabled
[docs] def add_named_action(self, name, action): """Add an action to the log under the given name""" self._actions_dict[name]=action
[docs] def get_named_action(self, name): """Get the action with the given name""" return self._actions_dict[name]
[docs] def set_logfile(self, path, name="file"): """Set the log file path of the log action with the given name.""" self._actions_dict.setdefault(name,LogAction_File()).path=path
def _normalize_level_range(self, level_range): if level_range is None: level_range=(0,_max_level) elif not funcargparse.is_sequence(level_range): level_range=(level_range,_max_level) return [normalize_level(l)[0] for l in level_range]
[docs] def add_rule(self, action, origin="", kind="*", level_range=None, **kwargs): """ Add a reporting rule. Args: action (str): name of the action invoked origin (str): origin prefix specifying the rule domain (by default, empty prefix, i.e., any origin) kind (str): a kind name or ``'*'`` (all kinds; default) for which the action is invoked level_range (tuple): a range (lower and upper bound) of levels for which the action is invoked **kwargs: additional arguments passed to the action ``report`` method (override the default action arguments, but are overridden by the ``report`` arguments) If several rules are applicable to the same message, all of them are invoked. """ action=self._actions_dict.get(action,action) kind_table=self._rules.setdefault((origin,"*"),({},))[0] level_table=kind_table.setdefault(kind,[ {} for _ in range(_max_level)]) level_range=self._normalize_level_range(level_range) for l in range(*level_range): level_table[l][action]=kwargs self._hash.clear()
[docs] def remove_rule(self, action=None, origin="", kind="*", level_range=None): """ Remove a reporting rule. Args: action (str): name of the action to be removed origin (str): origin prefix specifying the rule domain (by default, empty prefix, i.e., any origin) kind (str): a kind name or ``'*'`` (all kinds; default) for which the action is removed level_range (tuple): a range (lower and upper bound) of levels for which the action will be removed """ action=self._actions_dict.get(action,action) if (origin,"*") not in self._rules: return kind_table=self._rules[origin,"*"][0] if kind not in kind_table: return level_table=kind_table[kind] level_range=self._normalize_level_range(level_range) for l in range(*level_range): if action is None: level_table[l].clear() elif action in level_table[l]: del level_table[l][action] self._hash.clear()
def _find_actions(self, origin, kind, level): pfx=self._rules.find_all_prefixes(origin,return_path=False) ks=[kind,"*"] actions=[] for kt, in pfx[::-1]: for k in ks: if k in kt: acts=kt[k][level] if "suppress" in acts: return actions actions+=list(acts.items()) return actions def _find_actions_hashed(self, origin, kind, level): acts=self._hash.get((origin,kind,level),None) if acts is None: acts=self._find_actions(origin,kind,level) self._hash[origin,kind,level]=acts return acts
[docs] def report(self, message="", origin=None, kind=None, level="note", display=None, continued=False, action=None): if not self.enabled: return if not isinstance(message,textstring): message=str(message) level=normalize_level(level)[0] if action is None: actions=self._find_actions_hashed(origin,kind,level) else: actions=[(self._actions_dict.get(action,action),{})] for a,kwargs in actions: if a!="suppress": if display is not None: kwargs["display"]=display exc=None try:,origin or "",kind or "",level,continued=continued,**kwargs) except LogError as e: exc=exc or e if exc is not None: raise exc return len(actions)>0
[docs] def error(self, message="", origin=None, kind="unexpected", level="error", display=None, continued=False, action=None): """Generate an error report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def prog(self, message="", origin=None, kind="progress", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=False, action=None): """Generate a progress report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def progc(self, message="", origin=None, kind="progress", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=True, action=None): """Generate a continued progress report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def info(self, message="", origin=None, kind="info", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=False, action=None): """Generate an info report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def infoc(self, message="", origin=None, kind="info", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=True, action=None): """Generate a continued info report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def debug(self, message="", origin=None, kind="debug", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=False, action=None): """Generate a debug report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def debugc(self, message="", origin=None, kind="debug", level="note", display=("o",""), continued=True, action=None): """Generate a continued debug report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def etime(self, message="", origin=None, kind="exectime", level="note", display=("to",""), continued=False, action=None): """Generate an execution time report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def etimec(self, message="", origin=None, kind="exectime", level="note", display=("to",""), continued=True, action=None): """Generate a continued execution time report (same as :meth:`report`, but with different default arguments).""" return,origin,kind,level,display,continued,action)
[docs] def enable_kind(self, kind, enable=True, level=0, action="console", **kwargs): actions=funcargparse.as_sequence(action) if enable: self.enable() for a in actions: self.add_rule(a,kind=kind,level_range=level,**kwargs) else: for a in actions: self.remove_rule(a,kind=kind)
default_log=Log(enabled=False) """ Default logger. Raises exception on any reports with ``level=='error'``; prints to console on any reports with ``kind=='unexpected'``. """ default_log.add_rule("exception",level_range="error") default_log.add_rule("console",kind="unexpected") ##### Log file reading and parsing ##### #_default_log_line_re_date=r"\[([\d\s/:.]+)\]" _default_log_line_re_time=r"\[(.+?)\]" _default_log_line_time_fmt="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f" _default_log_line_re_level=r"[\w\d]*?\((\d+)\)" _default_log_line_re_kind=r"\[(.*?)\]" _default_log_line_re_origin=r"@\s*(.*?)" _default_log_line_re_description=r":\s*(.*)" _default_log_line_re_parts=[_default_log_line_re_time,_default_log_line_re_level, _default_log_line_re_kind,_default_log_line_re_origin, _default_log_line_re_description] _default_log_line_re="^"+r"\s*".join(["(?:"+p+")?" for p in _default_log_line_re_parts])+"$" _default_log_line_rec=re.compile(_default_log_line_re) _default_log_skip_re=r"^\s*[-=#]*\s*$" _default_log_skip_rec=re.compile(_default_log_skip_re) def _parse_log_line(line, strict=True): """ Parse a single log line. Return a dictionary ``{'time':time, 'level':level, 'kind':kind, 'origin':origin, 'message':message'}`` or ``None`` if the line is invalid (can't be parsed). If the elements are missing from the message, set them to ``None``. Try to convert the time string into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object and the level string into an integer. If it fails and ``strict==True``, treat the line as invalid. """ regex=_default_log_line_rec m=re.match(regex,line) if m is None: return None g=dict(zip(["time","level","kind","origin","message"],m.groups())) g["full"]=line if g["time"] is not None: try: g["time"]=datetime.strptime(g["time"],_default_log_line_time_fmt) except ValueError: if strict: return None if g["level"] is not None: try: g["level"]=int(g["level"]) except ValueError: if strict: return None return g
[docs]def read_log(path, strict=True, required=None, bad_line_action="append"): """ Read the log file. Return a list of lines, where each line is a dictionary ``{'time':time, 'level':level, 'kind':kind, 'origin':origin, 'message':message'}``. If some elements of the line are missing from the message, set them to ``None``. Try to convert the time string into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object and the level string into an integer. Args: path(str): path to the file. strict(bool): if ``True`` and time or level can't be converted, treat the line as invalid required(list): list of required non-``None`` line items to consider it valid bad_line_action(str): if ``'ingore'``, ignore all bad lines; if ``'append'``, append bad lines to messages of the previous valid lines (i.e., assume that the messages can span several lines) """ required=required or {"message","time"} funcargparse.check_parameter_range(bad_line_action,"bad_line_action",{"append","ignore"}) log_lines=[] with open(path,"r") as f: for line in f: line=line.strip() if re.match(_default_log_skip_rec,line): continue parsed=_parse_log_line(line,strict=strict) if parsed is None: bad_line=True else: bad_line=False for r in required: if parsed.get(r) is None: bad_line=True break if bad_line: if bad_line_action=="append" and log_lines: log_lines[-1]["message"]=(log_lines[-1]["message"] or "")+line else: log_lines.append(parsed) return log_lines