Source code for pylablib.core.utils.iterator

Class for building common iterators

[docs]class AccessIterator(object): """ Simple sequential access iterator with customizable access function (by default it's 1D indexing). Determines end of iterations by :exc:`IndexError`. Args: obj: Container to be iterated over. access_function (callable): A function which takes two parameteres `obj` and `idx` and either returns the element or raises :exc:`IndexError`. By default, a simple ``__getitem__`` operation. """ def __init__(self, obj, access_function=None): object.__init__(self) self.obj=obj self.idx=0 if access_function is None: access_function=lambda obj, idx: obj[idx] self.access_function=access_function def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: result=self.access_function(self.obj,self.idx) self.idx=self.idx+1 return result except IndexError: raise StopIteration() next=__next__