Source code for pylablib.core.utils.ctypes_wrap

from . import functions, py3
from ..devio import data_format
from .funcargparse import getdefault

import numpy as np

import ctypes
import collections

def _default_argnames(argtypes):
    return ["arg{}".format(i+1) for i in range(len(argtypes))]

def _get_value(rval):
		return rval.value
	except AttributeError:
		return rval

[docs]def setup_func(func, argtypes, restype=None, errcheck=None): """ Setup a ctypes function. Assign argtypes (list of argument types), restype (return value type) and errcheck (error checking function called for the return value). """ func.argtypes=argtypes if restype is not None: func.restype=restype if errcheck is not None: func.errcheck=errcheck
def _default_argprep(arg, argtype): if argtype in [ctypes.c_int8,ctypes.c_int16,ctypes.c_int32,ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_uint8,ctypes.c_uint16,ctypes.c_uint32,ctypes.c_uint64]: return int(arg) if argtype in [ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_double]: return float(arg) if argtype==ctypes.c_char_p: return py3.as_builtin_bytes(arg) return arg
[docs]class CTypesWrapper(object): """ Wrapper object for ctypes function. Constructor arguments coincide with the call arguments, and determine their default values. For their meaning, see :meth:`wrap`. """ def __init__(self, argtypes=None, argnames=None, addargs=None, restype=None, return_res="auto", rvprep=None, rvconv=None, rvref=None, rvnames=None, tuple_single_retval=False, errcheck=None): object.__init__(self) self.argtypes=getdefault(argtypes,[]) self.argnames=argnames self.restype=restype self.addargs=getdefault(addargs,[]) self.errcheck=errcheck self.rvconv=rvconv self.rvnames=rvnames self.rvprep=rvprep self.rvref=rvref self.return_res=return_res self.tuple_single_retval=tuple_single_retval @staticmethod def _default_names(pref, n): return ["{}{}".format(pref,i+1) for i in range(n)] @staticmethod def _get_value(rval): try: return rval.value except AttributeError: return rval @staticmethod def _prep_rval(argtypes, rvprep, args): if rvprep is None: rvprep=[None]*len(argtypes) return [t() if p is None else (p(*args) if hasattr(p,"__call__") else t(p)) for (t,p) in zip(argtypes,rvprep)] @staticmethod def _prep_args(argtypes, args): return [_default_argprep(a,t) for (t,a) in zip(argtypes,args)] @staticmethod def _conv_rval(rvals, rvconv, args): if rvconv is None: rvconv=[None]*len(rvals) return [CTypesWrapper._get_value(v) if c is None else c(v,*args) for (v,c) in zip(rvals,rvconv)] @staticmethod def _split_args(argnames): iargs=[i for i,n in enumerate(argnames) if n is not None] irvals=[i for i,n in enumerate(argnames) if n is None] return iargs,irvals @staticmethod def _join_args(iargs, args, irvals, rvals): vals=[None]*(len(args)+len(rvals)) for i,a in zip(iargs,args): vals[i]=a for i,rv in zip(irvals,rvals): vals[i]=rv return vals @staticmethod def _wrap_rvals(res, rvals, rvnames, return_res): if isinstance(return_res,tuple): return_res,res_pos=return_res else: res_pos=0 if return_res: rvals[res_pos:res_pos]=[res] if rvnames is not None: rvnames[res_pos:res_pos]=["return_value"] if rvnames is None: return tuple(rvals) else: rvnames,rvals=list(zip( *[(n,v) for (n,v) in zip(rvnames,rvals) if n] )) return collections.namedtuple("Result",rvnames)(*rvals)
[docs] def setup(self, func, argtypes=None, restype=None, errcheck=None): """ Setup a ctypes function. Analogous to :func:`setup_func`, but uses wrapper's default arguments. """ argtypes=getdefault(argtypes,self.argtypes) restype=getdefault(restype,self.restype) errcheck=getdefault(errcheck,self.errcheck) setup_func(func,argtypes,restype=restype,errcheck=errcheck)
[docs] def wrap(self, func, argtypes=None, argnames=None, addargs=None, restype=None, return_res=None, rvprep=None, rvconv=None, rvref=None, rvnames=None, tuple_single_retval=None, errcheck=None): """ Wrap C function in a Python call. Args: func: C function argtypes (list): list of `func` argument types; if an argument is of return-by-pointer kind, it should be the value type (the pointer is added automatically), with the exception of the void pointer (in which case, custom rvprep function should be supplied) argnames (list): list of argument names of the function. Includes either strings (which are interpreted as argument names passed to the wrapper function), or ``None`` (which mean that this argument is return-by-pointer). addargs (list): list of additional arguments which are added to the wrapper function, but are not passed to the wrapped function (added in the end); can be used for, e.g., `rvprep` or `rvconv` functions. restype: type of the return value. Can be ``None`` if the return value isn't used. return_res (bool): determines whether return the function return value. By default, it is returned only if there are no return-by-pointer arguments. rvprep (list): list of functions which prepare return-by-pointer arguments before passing them to the function. By default, these are standard ctypes initializer for the corresponding types (usually equivalent to zero). rvconv (list): list of functions which convert the return-by-pointer values after the function call. By default, simply get the corresponding Python value inside the ctypes wrapper. rvref ([bool]): determines if the corresponding return-by-pointer arguments need to be wrapped into :func:`ctypes.byref` (most common case), or passed as is (e.g., for manually prepared buffers). rvnames ([str]): names of returned values inside the returned named tuple. By default, return standard un-named tuple. If any name is ``None``, omit that value from the resulting tuple. tuple_single_retval (bool): determines if a single return values gets turned into a single-element tuple. errcheck: error-checking function which is automatically called for the return value; no function by default. """ argtypes=getdefault(argtypes,self.argtypes) argnames=getdefault(argnames,self.argnames) argnames=getdefault(argnames,self._default_names("arg",len(argtypes))) addargs=getdefault(addargs,self.addargs) iargs,irvals=self._split_args(argnames) restype=getdefault(restype,self.restype) return_res=getdefault(return_res,self.return_res) rvprep=getdefault(rvprep,self.rvprep) rvconv=getdefault(rvconv,self.rvconv) rvref=getdefault(rvref,self.rvref) rvref=getdefault(rvref,[True]*len(irvals)) rvnames=getdefault(rvnames,self.rvnames) tuple_single_retval=getdefault(tuple_single_retval,self.tuple_single_retval) errcheck=getdefault(errcheck,self.errcheck) if return_res=="auto": return_res=not irvals sign_argtypes=list(argtypes) for i,ref in zip(irvals,rvref): if ref and (sign_argtypes[i] is not ctypes.c_void_p): sign_argtypes[i]=ctypes.POINTER(sign_argtypes[i]) call_argnames=[argnames[i] for i in iargs]+addargs sign=functions.FunctionSignature(call_argnames,name=func.__name__) setup_func(func,sign_argtypes,restype=restype,errcheck=errcheck) def wrapped_func(*args): rvals=self._prep_rval([argtypes[i] for i in irvals],rvprep,args) args=self._prep_args([argtypes[i] for i in iargs],args) argrvals=[ctypes.byref(rv) if ref else rv for (ref,rv) in zip(rvref,rvals)] func_args=self._join_args(iargs,args,irvals,argrvals) res=func(*func_args) rvals=self._conv_rval(rvals,rvconv,args) res=self._wrap_rvals(res,rvals,rvnames,return_res) if (not tuple_single_retval) and len(res)==0: return None elif (not tuple_single_retval) and len(res)==1: return res[0] return res return sign.wrap_function(wrapped_func)
[docs]def strprep(l, ctype=None, unicode=False): """ Make a string preparation function. Return a function which creates a string with a fixed length of `l` bytes and returns a pointer to it. `ctype` can specify the type of the result (by default, :class:`ctypes.c_char_p`). """ if unicode: ctype=ctype or ctypes.c_wchar_p def prep(*args, **kwargs): return ctypes.cast(ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(l),ctype) else: ctype=ctype or ctypes.c_char_p def prep(*args, **kwargs): return ctypes.cast(ctypes.create_string_buffer(l),ctype) return prep
[docs]def buffprep(size_arg_pos, dtype): """ Make a buffer preparation function. Return a function which creates a string with a variable size (specified by an argument at a position `size_arg_pos`). The buffer size is given in elements. `dtype` specifies the datatype of the buffer, whose size is used to determine buffer size in bytes. """ el_size=data_format.DataFormat.from_desc(dtype).size def prep(*args, **kwargs): n=args[size_arg_pos] return ctypes.create_string_buffer(n*el_size) return prep
[docs]def buffconv(size_arg_pos, dtype): """ Make a buffer conversion function. Return a function which converts a pointer of a variable size (specified by an argument at a position `size_arg_pos`) into a numpy array. The buffer size is given in elements. `dtype` specifies the datatype of the resulting array. """ dformat=data_format.DataFormat.from_desc(dtype) def conv(buff, *args, **kwargs): n=args[size_arg_pos] data=ctypes.string_at(buff,n*dformat.size) return np.fromstring(data,dtype=dformat.to_desc("numpy")) return conv
[docs]def nullprep(*args, **kwrags): """NULL preperation function which always returns ``None``""" return None
[docs]class StructWrap(object): class _struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_=[] _prep={} _conv={} _tup={} # functions for struct-to-tuple conversion _tup_exc={} # fields to exclude in struct-to-tuple conversion _tup_inc=None # fields to include in struct-to-tuple conversion (if not specified, include all) _tup_add=[] # fields to add in struct-to-tuple conversion _tup_order=None # tuple fields order in struct-to-tuple conversion (by default, same as in the struct) _default={} def __init__(self, struct=None): struct=struct or self._struct() if not isinstance(struct,self._struct): raise ValueError("source should be of type {}".format(self._struct.__name__)) fnames,ftypes=zip(*self._struct._fields_) for f in fnames: if f in self._default: v=self._default[f] else: cv=getattr(struct,f) v=self._conv[f](cv) if f in self._conv else _get_value(cv) setattr(self,f,v) self.conv()
[docs] def to_struct(self): params=self.prepdict() fnames,ftypes=zip(*self._struct._fields_) for f in fnames: if f not in params: params[f]=getattr(self,f) ordparams=[params[f] for f in fnames] cparams={} for f,t in self._struct._fields_: if f in self._prep: cv=self._prep[f](*ordparams) else: cv=params[f] cparams[f]=cv return self.prep(self._struct(**cparams))
[docs] def prep(self, struct): return struct
[docs] def prepdict(self): return {}
[docs] def conv(self): pass
[docs] def tupdict(self): return {}
[docs] def tup(self): params=self.tupdict() fnames,ftypes=zip(*self._struct._fields_) fnames=[f for f in fnames if f not in self._tup_exc] fnames+=self._tup_add if self._tup_inc is not None: fnames=[f for f in fnames if f in self._tup_inc] if self._tup_order is not None: def key(name): try: return self._tup_order.index(name) except ValueError: return len(self._tup_order) fnames.sort(key=key) for f in fnames: if f not in params: params[f]=getattr(self,f) if f in self._tup: params[f]=self._tup[f](params[f]) elif isinstance(params[f],ctypes.Array): params[f]=params[f][:] vals=[params[f] for f in fnames] tcls=collections.namedtuple(self.__class__.__name__,fnames) return tcls(*vals)
[docs] @classmethod def prep_struct(cls, *args): return cls().to_struct()
[docs] @classmethod def tup_struct(cls, struct, *args): return cls(struct).tup()