Source code for pylablib.core.mthread.message

import threading
from . import threadprop, notifier
from ..utils import general, funcargparse, functions, py3



[docs]class CallNotifier(notifier.ISkippableNotifier): """ Wrapper for :class:`.notifier.ISkippableNotifier`, with external functions provided for ``_do_wait`` and ``_do_notify`` methods. Args: wait (callable): function to be called for waiting; if ``None``, nothing is called. notify (callable): function to be called for notifying; if ``None``, nothing is called. skippable (bool): if ``True``, allows for skippable wait events (if :meth:`.notifier.ISkippableNotifier.notify` is called before :meth:`.notifier.ISkippableNotifier.wait`, neither methods are actually called). """ def __init__(self, wait=None, notify=None, skippable=False): notifier.ISkippableNotifier.__init__(self,skippable=skippable) self._wait=wait self._notify=notify def _do_wait(self, timeout=None): if self._wait: functions.call_cut_args(self._wait,timeout=timeout) def _do_notify(self): if self._notify: self._notify()
_sync_types={"message","wait","wait_event","none"} _sync_nothread_substitutes={"message":"none","wait":"wait_event"}
[docs]def build_notifier(note_tag, note_value, sync, notification_controller): """ Build a notifier object. `sync` can be: - a callable object, in which case it is called as a notifier (waiting is absent); - a tuple ``(note_tag, note_value)``, in which case it is interpreted as a ``"message"`` notifier with the corresponding tags (see below), while the `note_tag` and `note_value` arguments are ignored; - a string, in which case it determines a synchronization primitive type. Possible types are: - ``"none"``: 'dummy' synchronizer (no waiting, return immediately); - ``"wait_event"``: standard wait-notify pattern (`wait()` call waits until the `notify()` is called from a different thread). Waiting is implemented using the standard python `threading.Event` primitive (completely synchronous, can't be interrupted; should be used carefully); - ``"wait"``: standard wait-notify pattern (`wait()` call waits until the `notify()` is called from a different thread). Waiting is implemented using the thread message queue; (synchronous, but still responds to interrupts); - ``"message"``: send notifying message, but don't do any waiting (asynchronous) `note_tag` and `note_value` arguments are used for ``"wait"`` and ``"message"`` synchronizers `notification_controller` is a thread controller for the thread to be waiting/notified using this primitive. If it's a `no_thread_controller`, `sync` types are coerced: ``"wait"`` is interpreted as ``"wait_even"``, and ``"message"`` is interpreted as ``"none"``. """ if isinstance(sync,tuple): note_tag,note_value=sync sync="message" if isinstance(sync,py3.textstring): funcargparse.check_parameter_range(sync,"sync_type",_sync_types) if notification_controller is threadprop.no_thread_controller: sync=_sync_nothread_substitutes.get(sync,sync) if sync in {"message","wait"}: if sync=="wait": def wait(timeout=None): notification_controller.wait_for_message(note_tag,filt=lambda msg: msg.value==note_value,timeout=timeout,discard_on_timeout=True) skippable=True else: wait=None skippable=False notify=lambda: notification_controller.add_new_message(note_tag,note_value,schedule_sync="wait_event",receive_sync="none",on_broken="ignore") return CallNotifier(wait,notify,skippable=skippable) elif sync=="wait_event": evt=threading.Event() evt.clear() return CallNotifier(evt.wait,evt.set,skippable=True) else: return CallNotifier() elif hasattr(sync,"__call__"): return CallNotifier(None,sync,skippable=False) else: raise ValueError("unapplicable synchronizer: {}".format(sync))
[docs]class Message(object): """ A message object. Args: tags (str): message tag (used for control in the message queue). value: message value (if appropriate). priority (int): message priority (standard is 0). sender: sender controller. schedule_sync (CallNotifier): object which is notified when the message is scheduled (``None`` means no notifier). receive_sync (CallNotifier): object which is notified when the message is received (``None`` means no notifier). """ _uid_gen=general.UIDGenerator(thread_safe=True) def __init__(self, tag="", value=None, priority=0, sender=None, schedule_sync=None, receive_sync=None): object.__init__(self) self.tag=tag self.value=value self.priority=priority self.sender=sender self.schedule_sync=schedule_sync self.receive_sync=receive_sync self.uid=self._uid_gen()
[docs] def scheduled(self): """ Notify the message of being scheduled. Called internally by the message queue. """ if self.schedule_sync: self.schedule_sync.notify()
[docs] def received(self): """ Notify the message of being received. Called internally by the message queue. """ if self.receive_sync: self.receive_sync.notify()
[docs] def sync(self): """ Wait until this message is scheduled and received by the target thread. """ if self.schedule_sync: self.schedule_sync.wait() if self.receive_sync: self.receive_sync.wait()
def __repr__(self): return "Message({0}: {1})".format(self.tag,self.value)