Source code for pylablib.core.gui.qt.thread.threadprop

from ....utils import general

from PyQt5 import QtCore

import threading



### Errors ###
[docs]class ThreadError(RuntimeError): """Generic thread error.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "thread error" RuntimeError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class NoControllerThreadError(ThreadError): """Thread error for a case of thread having no conrollers.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "thread has no controller" ThreadError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class DuplicateControllerThreadError(ThreadError): """Thread error for a case of a duplicate thread controller.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "trying to create a duplicate thread controller" ThreadError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class TimeoutThreadError(ThreadError): """Thread error for a case of a wait timeout.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "waiting has timed out" ThreadError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class NoMessageThreadError(ThreadError): """Thread error for a case of trying to get a non-existant message.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "no message available" ThreadError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class SkippedCallError(ThreadError): """Thread error for a case of external call getting skipped (unscheduled).""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "call has been skipped" ThreadError.__init__(self, msg)
### Interrupts ###
[docs]class InterruptException(Exception): """Generic interrupt exception (raised by some function to signal interrupts from other threads).""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "thread interrupt" Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class InterruptExceptionStop(InterruptException): """Interrupt exception denoting thread stop request.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): msg=msg or "thread interrupt: stop" InterruptException.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]def get_app(): """Get current application instance.""" return QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
[docs]def get_gui_thread(): """Get main (GUI) thread, or ``None`` if Application is not running.""" app=get_app() return app and app.thread()
[docs]def is_gui_running(): """Check if GUI is running.""" return get_app() is not None
[docs]def is_gui_thread(): """Check if the current thread is the one running the GUI loop.""" app=get_app() return (app is not None) and (QtCore.QThread.currentThread() is app.thread())
[docs]def current_controller(require_controller=True): """ Get controller of the current thread. If the current thread has not controller `and `require_controller==True``, raise an error; otherwise, return ``None``. """ controller=getattr(local_data,"controller",None) if require_controller and (controller is None): raise NoControllerThreadError("current thread has no controller") return controller