Source code for pylablib.core.fileio.savefile

Utilities for writing data files.

from future.utils import viewitems

from . import datafile
from . import location
from . import dict_entry

from ..utils import string as string_utils  #@UnresolvedImport
from ..utils import files as file_utils  #@UnresolvedImport
from ..utils import general as general_utils  #@UnresolvedImport
from ..utils import dictionary  #@UnresolvedImport
from ..utils import log #@UnresolvedImport
from ..datatable import table as datatable  #@UnresolvedImport

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime

def _is_file(value):
    return isinstance(value,datafile.DataFile)

def _is_table(value, allow_1D=False):
    return isinstance(value, datatable.DataTable) \
        or (isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and (value.ndim==2 or (allow_1D and value.ndim==1)) ) \
        or (isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame))
def _table_row_iterator(value):
    if isinstance(value, datatable.DataTable):
        return value.r
    elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
        return value.itertuples(index=False)
        return value

##### FILE FORMAT #####

[docs]class IOutputFileFormat(object): """ Generic class for an output file format. Args: format_name (str): The name of the format (to be defined in subclasses). default_kwargs (dict): Default `**kwargs` values for the :meth:`write` method. """ def __init__(self, format_name, default_kwargs=None): object.__init__(self) self.format_name=format_name self.default_kwargs=default_kwargs or {}
[docs] def write_file(self, location_file, to_save, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("IOutputFileFormat.write_file")
[docs] def write(self, location_file, data, *args, **kwargs): if not _is_file(data): data=datafile.DataFile(data) self.write_file(location_file,data,*args,**general_utils.merge_dicts(self.default_kwargs,kwargs))
[docs]class ITextOutputFileFormat(IOutputFileFormat): """ Generic class for a text output file format. Args: format_name (str): The name of the format (to be defined in subclasses). save_props (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its props metainfo. save_comments (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its comments metainfo. save_time (bool): If ``True``, append the file creation time in the end. new_time (bool): If saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, determines if the time should be updated to the current time. default_kwargs (dict): Default `**kwargs` values for the :meth:`IOutputFileFormat.write` method. """ def __init__(self, format_name, save_props=True, save_comments=True, save_time=True, new_time=True, default_kwargs=None): IOutputFileFormat.__init__(self,format_name,default_kwargs) self.save_props=save_props self.save_comments=save_comments self.save_time=save_time self.new_time=new_time
[docs] def get_comment_line(self, comment): return "# "+string_utils.escape_string(comment,"parameter")
[docs] def get_prop_line(self, name, value): return "# {0} :\t{1}".format(name,string_utils.to_string(value,"parameter"))
[docs] def get_time_line(self, time): return "# Saved on {0}".format(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
[docs] @staticmethod def write_line(stream, line): if line is not None: stream.write(line+"\n")
[docs] def write_comments(self, stream, comments): if self.save_comments and len(comments)>0: self.write_line(stream,"") for c in comments: self.write_line(stream,self.get_comment_line(c))
[docs] def write_props(self, stream, props): if self.save_props and len(props)>0: self.write_line(stream,"") for name,value in viewitems(props): self.write_line(stream,self.get_prop_line(name,value))
[docs] def write_time(self, stream, time): if self.save_time: self.write_line(stream,"") self.write_line(stream,self.get_time_line(time))
[docs] def write_file(self, location_file, to_save, *args, **vargs): with location_file.opening(mode="write",data_type="text"): self.write_data(location_file,,*args,**vargs) self.write_props(,to_save.props) self.write_comments(,to_save.comments) self.write_time(, if self.new_time else to_save.creation_time)
[docs] def write_data(self, location_file, data, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("ITextOutputFileFormat.write_data")
[docs]class CSVTableOutputFileFormat(ITextOutputFileFormat): """ Class for CSV output file format. Args: save_props (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its props metainfo. save_comments (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its comments metainfo. save_time (bool): If ``True``, append the file creation time in the end. columns_delimiter (str): Used to separate entries in a row. custom_reps (str): If not ``None``, defines custom representations to be passed to :func:`.utils.string.to_string` function. use_rep_classes (bool): If ``True``, use representation classes for Dictionary entries (e.g., numpy arrays will be represented as ``"array([1, 2, 3])"`` instead of just ``"[1, 2, 3]"``); This improves storage fidelity, but makes result harder to parse (e.g., by external string parsers). **kwargs (dict): Default `**kwargs` values for the :meth:`IOutputFileFormat.write` method. """ def __init__(self, save_props=True, save_comments=True, save_time=True, save_columns=True, columns_delimiter="\t", custom_reps=None, use_rep_classes=False, **kwargs): ITextOutputFileFormat.__init__(self,"csv",save_props,save_comments,save_time,default_kwargs=kwargs) self.save_columns=save_columns self.columns_delimiter=columns_delimiter self.custom_reps=custom_reps self.use_rep_classes=use_rep_classes
[docs] def get_table_line(self, line): line=[string_utils.to_string(e,"entry",self.custom_reps,use_classes=self.use_rep_classes) for e in line] return self.columns_delimiter.join(line)
[docs] def get_columns_line(self, columns): if self.save_columns: return "# "+self.get_table_line(columns) else: return None
[docs] def write_data(self, location_file, data, columns=None, **kwargs): """ Write data to a CSV file. Args: location_file: Location of the destination. data: Data to be saved. Can be :class:`.DataTable` or an arbitrary 2D array (numpy array, 2D list, etc.). columns ([str]): If not ``None``, the list of column names. If ``None`` and data is of type :class:`.DataTable`, use its columns names. If ``None`` and data is of other type, don't put the column line in the output. """ if not _is_table(data): data=datatable.DataTable(data) #raise ValueError("format '{0}' can't save data {1}".format(self.format_name,data)) if columns is None and data is not None: if isinstance(data, datatable.DataTable): columns=data.get_column_names() elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): columns=data.columns if columns is not None: self.write_line(stream,self.get_columns_line(columns)) for line in _table_row_iterator(data): self.write_line(stream,self.get_table_line(line))
[docs]class DictionaryOutputFileFormat(ITextOutputFileFormat): """ Class for Dictionary output file format. Args: save_props (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its props metainfo. save_comments (bool): If ``True`` and saving `~datafile.DataFile` object, save its comments metainfo. save_time (bool): If ``True``, append the file creation time in the end. table_format (str): Default format for table (numpy arrays or :class:`.DataTable` objects) entries. Can be ``'inline'`` (table is written inside the file), ``'csv'`` (external CSV file) or ``'bin'`` (external binary file). inline_columns_delimiter (str): Used to separate entries in a row for inline tables. inline_reps (str): If not ``None``, defines custom representations to be passed to :func:`.utils.string.to_string` function when writing inline tables. param_reps (str): If not ``None``, defines custom representations to be passed to :func:`.utils.string.to_string` function when writing Dictionary entries. use_rep_classes (bool): If ``True``, use representation classes for Dictionary entries (e.g., numpy arrays will be represented as ``"array([1, 2, 3])"`` instead of just ``"[1, 2, 3]"``); This improves storage fidelity, but makes result harder to parse (e.g., by external string parsers). **kwargs (dict): Default `**kwargs` values for the :meth:`IOutputFileFormat.write` method. """ def __init__(self, save_props=True, save_comments=True, save_time=True, table_format="inline", inline_columns_delimiter="\t", inline_reps=None, param_reps=None, use_rep_classes=False, **kwargs): ITextOutputFileFormat.__init__(self,"dict",save_props,save_comments,save_time,default_kwargs=kwargs) self.inline_columns_delimiter=inline_columns_delimiter self.table_format=table_format self.inline_reps=inline_reps self.param_reps=param_reps self.use_rep_classes=use_rep_classes
[docs] def get_dictionary_line(self, path, value): path="/".join(path) value=string_utils.to_string(value,"parameter",self.param_reps,use_classes=self.use_rep_classes) return "{0}\t{1}".format(path,value)
def _write_table_inline(self, stream, table): self.write_line(stream,"## Table start ##") for line in _table_row_iterator(table): line=[string_utils.to_string(e,"entry",self.inline_reps) for e in line] line=self.inline_columns_delimiter.join(line) self.write_line(stream,line) self.write_line(stream,"## Table end ##")
[docs] def write_data(self, loc_file, data, **kwargs): """ Write data to a Dictionary file. Args: location_file: Location of the destination. data: Data to be saved. Can be :class:`.DataTable` or an arbitrary 2D array (numpy array, 2D list, etc.). """ if not dictionary.is_dictionary(data): raise ValueError("format '{0}' can't save data {1}".format(self.format_name,data)) loc=loc_file.loc for path, value in data.iternodes(ordered=True,to_visit="leafs",include_path=True): if string_utils.is_convertible(value): self.write_line(stream,self.get_dictionary_line(path,value)) elif isinstance(value,dict_entry.InlineTable): self.write_line(stream,self.get_dictionary_line(path,"table")) self._write_table_inline(stream,value.table) else: rel_path=path[len(data.get_path()):] dict_ptr=data.branch_pointer(rel_path) table_entry=dict_entry.build_entry(value,table_format=self.table_format) if table_entry is None:"No formatter for {0}".format(value),origin="fileio/savefile",level="warning") self.write_line(stream,self.get_dictionary_line(path,value)) else: d=table_entry.to_dict(dict_ptr,loc) br=data.detach_branch(rel_path) data.add_entry(rel_path,d,branch_option="attach") try: self.write_data(loc_file,data.branch_pointer(rel_path),**kwargs) finally: data.detach_branch(rel_path) data.add_entry(rel_path,br,branch_option="attach")
[docs]class IBinaryOutputFileFormat(IOutputFileFormat): def __init__(self, format_name, default_kwargs=None): IOutputFileFormat.__init__(self,format_name,default_kwargs)
[docs] def get_preamble(self, loc_file, data): return dictionary.Dictionary()
[docs]class TableBinaryOutputFileFormat(IBinaryOutputFileFormat): """ Class for binary output file format. Args: dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype` describing the data. By default, ``'>f8'`` for real data and ``'>c16'`` for complex data. transposed (bool): If ``False``, write the data row-wise; otherwise, write it column-wise. **kwargs (dict): Default `**kwargs` values for the :meth:`IOutputFileFormat.write` method. """ def __init__(self, dtype=None, transposed=False, **kwargs): IBinaryOutputFileFormat.__init__(self,"bin",default_kwargs=kwargs) self.dtype=dtype self.transposed=transposed
[docs] def get_dtype(self, table): if self.dtype is None: if np.iscomplexobj(table): return ">c16" else: return ">f8" else: return self.dtype
[docs] def get_preamble(self, loc_file, data): """ Generate a preamble (dictionary describing the file format). The parameters are ``'dtype'``, ``'packing'`` (``'transposed'`` or ``'flatten'``, depending on the `transposed` attribute), ``'ncol'`` (number of columns) and ``'nrows'`` (number of rows). """ preamble=dictionary.Dictionary() preamble["nrows"]=data.shape[0] preamble["ncols"]=data.shape[1] preamble["dtype"]=self.get_dtype(data) if self.transposed: preamble["packing"]="transposed" else: preamble["packing"]="flatten" return preamble
[docs] def write_table(self, location_file, data): """ Write data to a binary file. Args: location_file: Location of the destination. data: Data to be saved. Can be :class:`.DataTable` or an arbitrary 2D array (numpy array, 2D list, etc.). Converted to numpy array before saving. """ dtype=self.get_dtype(data) data=np.asarray(data) if self.transposed: data=data.transpose() data.flatten().astype(dtype).tofile(stream,format=dtype)
[docs] def write_file(self, location_file, to_save, **kwargs): if _is_table(data): with location_file.opening(mode="write",data_type="binary"): self.write_table(location_file,data) else: raise ValueError("Can't save data {}".format(data))
[docs]def get_output_format(data, output_format, **kwargs): if isinstance(output_format, IOutputFileFormat): return data,output_format if output_format=="csv": return data,CSVTableOutputFileFormat(**kwargs) elif output_format=="dict": return data,DictionaryOutputFileFormat(**kwargs) elif output_format=="bin": return data,TableBinaryOutputFileFormat(**kwargs) elif output_format=="bin_desc": data=dict_entry.ExternalBinTableDictionaryEntry(data,name="data|bin",force_name=True,**kwargs) data=dictionary.Dictionary({"data":data}) return data,DictionaryOutputFileFormat() else: raise ValueError("unknown output file format: {0}".format(output_format))
[docs]def save(data, path="", output_format=None, loc="file", **kwargs): """ Save data to a file. Args: data: Data to be saved. path (str): Path to the file. output_format (str): Output file format. Can be either ``None`` (defaults to ``'csv'`` for table data and ``'dict'`` for Dictionary data), a string with one of the default format names, or an already prepared :class:`IOutputFileFormat` object. loc (str): Location type. `**kwargs` are passed to the file formatter constructor (see :class:`CSVTableOutputFileFormat`, :class:`DictionaryOutputFileFormat` and :class:`TableBinaryOutputFileFormat` for the possible arguments). The default format names are: - ``'csv'``: CSV file, corresponds to :class:`CSVTableOutputFileFormat`; - ``'dict'``: Dictionary file, corresponds to :class:`DictionaryOutputFileFormat`; - ``'bin'``: Binary file, corresponds to :class:`TableBinaryOutputFileFormat` """ if output_format is None: if _is_table(data,allow_1D=True) or (_is_file(data) and _is_table( output_format="csv" elif dictionary.is_dictionary(data) or (_is_file(data) and dictionary.is_dictionary( output_format="dict" else: raise ValueError("can't determine output file format for data: {}".format(data)) data,output_format=get_output_format(data,output_format,**kwargs) loc=location.get_location(loc,path) f=location.LocationFile(loc) output_format.write(f,data)