Source code for pylablib.core.fileio.location

Classes for describing a generic file location.

# from io import open

from ..utils import files as file_utils
from ..utils import dictionary

import os.path
import contextlib

[docs]class LocationName(object): """ File name inside a location. Args: path: Path inside the location. Gets normalized according to the Dictionary rules (not case-sensitive; ``'/'`` and ``'\\'`` are the delimiters). ext (str): Name extension (``None`` is default). """ def __init__(self, path=None, ext=None): object.__init__(self) self.path=self._normalize_path(path) self.ext=str(ext).lower() if ext is not None else None def _normalize_path(self, path): if path is None: return None return tuple(dictionary.normalize_path(path,omit_empty=True,case_sensitive=False,case_normalization="lower",sep=r"[/\\]"))
[docs] def get_path(self, default_path="", sep="/"): """ Get the string path. If the object's `path` is ``None``, use `default_path` instead. If `sep` is not ``None``, use it to join the path entries; otherwise, return the path in a list form. """ path=self.path or (self._normalize_path(default_path) or []) if sep is None: return path return sep.join(path)
[docs] def get_ext(self, default_ext=""): """ Get the extension. If the object's `ext` is ``None``, use `default_ext` instead. """ return self.ext if self.ext is not None else (default_ext or "")
[docs] def to_string(self, default_path="", default_ext="", path_sep="/", ext_sep="|", add_empty_ext=True): """ Convert the path to a string representation. Args: default_path (str): Use it as path if the object's `path` is ``None``. default_ext (str): Use it as path if the object's `ext` is ``None``. path_sep (str): Use it to join the path entries. ext_sep (str): Use it to join path and extension. add_empty_ext (str): If ``False`` and the extension is empty, don't add `ext_sep` in the end. """ path=self.get_path(default_path,path_sep) ext=self.get_ext(default_ext) if ext=="" and not add_empty_ext: return path return ext_sep.join((path,ext))
[docs] def to_path(self, default_path="", default_ext="", ext_sep="|", add_empty_ext=True): """ Convert the path to a list representation. Extension is added with `ext_sep` to the last entry in the path. Args: default_path (str): Use it as path if the object's `path` is ``None``. default_ext (str): Use it as path if the object's `ext` is ``None``. ext_sep (str): Use it to join path and extension. add_empty_ext (str): If ``False`` and the extension is empty, don't add `ext_sep` in the end. """ path=self.get_path(default_path,sep=None) ext=self.get_ext(default_ext) if ext=="" and not add_empty_ext: return path if not path: return [ext_sep+ext] return tuple(list(path[:-1])+[ext_sep.join((path[-1],ext))])
def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def __repr__(self): return "{0}('{1}')".format(type(self).__name__,str(self))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(expr, ext_sep="|"): """ Create a :class:`LocationName` object from a string representation. `ext_sep` defines extension separator; the path separators are ``'/'`` and ``'\\'``. Empty path or extension translate into ``None``. """ expr=expr.split(ext_sep) if len(expr)==0: expr=(None,None) elif len(expr)==1: expr=(expr[0],None) elif len(expr)>2: raise ValueError("can't parse path {0}".format(expr)) expr=[None if s=="" else s for s in expr] return LocationName(*expr)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_object(obj): """ Create a :class:`LocationName` object from an object. `obj` can be a :class:`LocationName` (return unchanged), tuple or list (use as construct arguments), string (treat as a string representation) or ``None`` (return empty name). """ if isinstance(obj,LocationName): return obj elif isinstance(obj,tuple) or isinstance(obj,list): return LocationName(*obj) elif obj is None: return LocationName() else: return LocationName.from_string(obj)
[docs] def copy(self): return LocationName(self.path,self.ext)
[docs]class LocationFile(object): """ A file at a location. Can be opened for reading or writing. Args: loc: File location. name: File's name inside the location. """ def __init__(self, loc, name=None): object.__init__(self) self.loc=loc self.opened=False self.mode=None self.data_type=None
[docs] def get_path(self): """ Get file path in a string representation. """ return
[docs] def open(self, mode="read", data_type="text"): """ Open the file. Args: mode (str): Opening mode. Can be ``'read'``, ``'write'`` or ``'append'``. data_type (str): Either ``'text'`` or ``'binary'``. """ if self.opened: raise RuntimeError("opening file {0} twice".format(self.get_path())) mode,data_type=self._default_modes.get(mode,(mode,data_type)),,data_type) self.mode=mode self.data_type=data_type self.opened=True
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file.""" if not self.opened: raise RuntimeError("closing non-opened file {0}".format(self.get_path())) self.loc.close_file( self.opened=False
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def opening(self, mode="read", data_type="text"): """ Context for working with opened file (file is closed automatically on exitting a ``with`` block), Args: mode (str): Opening mode. Can be ``'read'``, ``'write'`` or ``'append'``. data_type (str): Either ``'text'`` or ``'binary'``. """ try:,data_type=data_type) yield finally: if self.opened: self.close()
[docs]class IDataLocation(object): """ Generic location. """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self)
[docs] def is_name_free(self, name=None): """Check if the name is unoccupied.""" raise NotImplementedError("IDataLocation.is_name_free")
[docs] def generate_new_name(self, prefix_name, idx=0): """ Generate a new name inside the location using the given prefix and starting index. If `idx` is ``None``, check just the `prefix_name` first before starting to append indices. """ prefix_name=LocationName.from_object(prefix_name) if idx is None: if self.is_name_free(prefix_name): return prefix_name idx=0 while True: path="{0}_{1:03d}".format(prefix_name.get_path(),idx) name=LocationName(path,prefix_name.ext) if self.is_name_free(name): return name idx=idx+1 return
[docs] def open_file(self, mode, name=None, data_type="text"): """ Open a location file. Args: mode (str): Opening mode. Can be ``'read'``, ``'write'`` or ``'append'``. name: File name inside the location. data_type (str): Either ``'text'`` or ``'binary'``. """ raise NotImplementedError("IDataLocation.open_write")
[docs] def close_file(self, name): """Close a location file. """ raise NotImplementedError("IDataLocation.close")
[docs] def get_opened_files(self): """Get a list for files opened in that location.""" raise NotImplementedError("IDataLocation.get_open_files")
[docs]class IFileSystemDataLocation(IDataLocation): """ A generic filesystem data location. A single file name describes a single file in the filesystem. """ def __init__(self): IDataLocation.__init__(self) self.opened_files={}
[docs] def get_filesystem_path(self, name=None, path_type="absolute"): """ Get the filesystem path corresponding to a given name. `path_type` can be ``'absolute'`` (return absolute path), ``'relative'`` (return relative path; level depends on the location) or ``'name'`` (only return path inside the location). """ raise NotImplementedError("IFileSystemDataLocation.get_filesystem_path")
@staticmethod def _name_to_filesystem_path(name, default_path=None, default_ext=None): split_name=name.to_path(default_path=default_path,default_ext=default_ext,ext_sep=".",add_empty_ext=False) return os.path.join(*split_name) if split_name else "" def __call__(self, name=None, path_type="absolute"): return self.get_filesystem_path(name,path_type)
[docs] def is_name_free(self, name=None): """Check if the name is unoccupied.""" path=self.get_filesystem_path(name,path_type="absolute") return not os.path.exists(path)
def _open_file_stream(self, mode, name, data_type): name=LocationName.from_object(name) name_str=name.to_string() if name_str in self.opened_files: raise ValueError("file {0} is already opened".format(name_str)) file_path=self.get_filesystem_path(name,path_type="absolute") if data_type=="binary": mode=mode+"b" elif data_type!="text": raise ValueError("unrecognized data type: {0}".format(data_type)) f=open(file_path,mode) self.opened_files[name_str]=f return f
[docs] def open_file(self, mode, name=None, data_type="text"): """ Open a location file. See :meth:`IDataLocation.open_file` for arguments. """ if mode=="read": s=self._open_file_stream("r",name,data_type) elif mode=="write": s=self._open_file_stream("w",name,data_type) elif mode=="append": s=self._open_file_stream("a",name,data_type),2) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized open mode: {0}".format(mode)) return s
[docs] def close_file(self, name): """Close a location file.""" name_str=LocationName.from_object(name).to_string() if not name_str in self.opened_files: raise ValueError("name {0} is not opened".format(self.get_filesystem_path(name,"relative"))) self.opened_files.pop(name_str).close()
[docs] def get_opened_files(self): """Get a list for files opened in that location.""" return self.opened_files
[docs]class SingleFileSystemDataLocation(IFileSystemDataLocation): """ A location describing a single file. Any use of a non-default name raises :exc:`ValueError`. Args: file_path (str): The path to the file. """ def __init__(self, file_path): IFileSystemDataLocation.__init__(self) self.rel_path=file_path self.abs_path=os.path.abspath(file_path) file_utils.retry_ensure_dir(os.path.split(file_path)[0])
[docs] def get_filesystem_path(self, name=None, path_type="absolute"): name=LocationName.from_object(name) if name.path is None and name.ext is None: if path_type=="absolute": return self.abs_path elif path_type=="relative": return self.rel_path elif path_type=="name": return os.path.split(self.rel_path)[1] else: raise ValueError("unrecognized path type: {0}".format(path_type)) else: raise ValueError("SingleFileSystemDataLocation can only generate default path")
[docs]class PrefixedFileSystemDataLocation(IFileSystemDataLocation): """ A location describing a set of prefixed files. Args: file_path (str): A master path. Its name is used as a prefix, and its extension is used as a default. prefix_template (str): A :meth:`str.format` string for generating prefixed files. Has two arguments: the first is the master name, the second is the sub_location. Multi-level paths translate into nested folders (the top level folder is combined from the `file_path` prefix and the first path entry). """ def __init__(self, file_path, prefix_template="{0}_{1}"): IFileSystemDataLocation.__init__(self) self.rel_path,self.master_name=os.path.split(file_path) self.abs_path=os.path.abspath(self.rel_path) self.master_prefix, self.master_ext=os.path.splitext(self.master_name) if self.master_ext[1:]=="": # remove leading . self.master_ext=None else: self.master_ext=self.master_ext[1:] self.prefix_template=prefix_template file_utils.retry_ensure_dir(os.path.split(file_path)[0])
[docs] def get_filesystem_path(self, name=None, path_type="absolute"): name=LocationName.from_object(name) if not path_type in {"absolute", "relative","name"}: raise ValueError("unrecognized path type: {0}".format(path_type)) if name.path is None: fsname=self.master_prefix else: fsname=self.prefix_template.format(self.master_prefix,os.path.join(*name.get_path(sep=None))) if name.get_ext(self.master_ext): fsname="{0}.{1}".format(fsname,name.get_ext(self.master_ext)) if path_type=="absolute": return os.path.join(self.abs_path,fsname) elif path_type=="relative": return os.path.join(self.rel_path,fsname) else: return fsname
[docs]class FolderFileSystemDataLocation(IFileSystemDataLocation): """ A location describing a single folder. Args: folder_path (str): A path to the folder. default_name (str): The default file name. default_ext (str): The default file extension. Multi-level paths translate into nested subfolders. """ def __init__(self, folder_path, default_name="", default_ext=""): IFileSystemDataLocation.__init__(self) self.rel_path=folder_path self.abs_path=os.path.abspath(folder_path) self.default_name=default_name self.default_ext=default_ext file_utils.retry_ensure_dir(self.abs_path)
[docs] def get_filesystem_path(self, name=None, path_type="absolute"): name=LocationName.from_object(name) if not path_type in {"absolute", "relative", "name"}: raise ValueError("unrecognized path type: {0}".format(path_type)) fsname=self._name_to_filesystem_path(name,self.default_name,self.default_ext) if path_type=="absolute": return os.path.join(self.abs_path,fsname) elif path_type=="relative": return os.path.join(self.rel_path,fsname) else: return fsname
[docs]def get_location(loc, path, *args, **kwargs): """ Build a location. If `loc` or `path` are instances of :class:`IDataLocation`, return them unchanged. If `loc` is a string, it describes location kind: - ``'single_file'``: :class:`SingleFileSystemDataLocation` with the given `path`. - ``'file'`` or ``'prefixed_file'``: :class:`PrefixedFileSystemDataLocation` with the given `path` as a master path. - ``'folder'``: :class:`FolderFileSystemDataLocation` with the given folder `path`. Any additional arguments are relayed to the constructors. """ if isinstance(loc,IDataLocation): return loc elif isinstance(path,IDataLocation): return path elif loc=="single_file": return SingleFileSystemDataLocation(path,*args,**kwargs) elif loc=="file" or loc=="prefixed_file": return PrefixedFileSystemDataLocation(path,*args,**kwargs) elif loc=="folder": return FolderFileSystemDataLocation(path,*args,**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized location: {}".format(loc))