Source code for pylablib.core.fileio.datafile

from ..utils import files as file_utils #@UnresolvedImport

import os
import datetime

[docs]class DataFile(object): """ Describes a single datafile. Args: data: The main data of the file (usually :class:`.DataTable` or :class:`.Dictionary`). filepath (str): absolute path filetype (str): a source type creation_time (datetime.datetime): File creation time props (dict): all the metainfo about the file (extracted from comments, filename etc.) comments (list): all the comments excluding the ones containing props """ def __init__(self, data, filepath=None, filetype=None, creation_time=None, comments=None, props=None): object.__init__(self) if filepath is not None: filepath=os.path.abspath(filepath) self.filename=os.path.basename(filepath) else: self.filename=None self.filepath=filepath self.filetype=filetype if creation_time is None: if filepath is not None: creation_time=file_utils.get_file_modification_time(filepath,timestamp=False) else: self.creation_time=creation_time self.comments=comments or [] self.props=props or {}
[docs] def addprop(self, name, value): """ Add a property to the dictionary """ self.props[name]=value
[docs] def getprop(self, name, default=None): """ Get a property from the dictionary. Use default value if it's not found """ return self.props.get(name,default)