Source code for pylablib.core.fileio.binio

"""Binary files input/output"""

from ..utils import general, py3
import numpy as np
import pickle
import contextlib

##### Complex structures file IO #####


for pkp in [0,1,2,3]:
    for bo in [0,1]:
        for s in [1,2,4,8]:


[docs]def write_num(x, f, dtype): """ Write a number `x` into file `f`. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type (numpy-style). """ if dtype[0] not in "<>": dtype=default_byteorder+dtype if dtype in idtypes_inv: np.asarray(int(x)).astype(dtype).tofile(f) elif dtype in fdtypes_inv: np.asarray(float(x)).astype(dtype).tofile(f) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def write_str(s, f, dtype, strict=False): """ Write a string `s` into a file `f`. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type. Can be ``"s"`` (simply translate into bytes and write), ``"sp"+sdtype`` (e.g., ``"sp<u2"``), where the string is prepended by its length written using ``sdtype`` format, or ``"s"+len`` (e.g., ``"s16"``), where ``len`` is the textual representation of string length (written data is equivalent to ``"s"`` format). If ``strict==True``, raise error if string length is incompatible with the format (too long for a given ``"sp"``-type prefix, or doesn't agree with ``"s"``-type length). """ s=py3.as_bytes(s) if dtype=="s": f.write(s) elif dtype.startswith("sp"): iinfo=np.iinfo(dtype[2:]) if strict and len(s)>iinfo.max: raise ValueError("string length {} doesn't agree with length dtype {}".format(len(s),dtype[2:])) slen=min(iinfo.max,len(s)) write_num(slen,f,dtype[2:]) f.write(s[:slen]) elif dtype.startswith("s"): if strict and len(s)!=int(dtype[1:]): raise ValueError("string length {} doesn't agree with dtype {}".format(len(s),int(dtype[1:]))) f.write(s) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def write_pickle(v, f, dtype): """ Write a value `v` into file `f` as a Python pickle object. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type (numpy-style), and should be ``"pk"+proto+sdtype`` (e.g., ``"pk3<u2"``), where ``proto`` is the textual representation of the pickle protocol, and ``sdtype`` is the data type of the prepended string length (see ``"sp"+sdtype`` type in :func:`write_str`). """ if dtype.startswith("pk"): proto=int(dtype[2]) sdtype=dtype[3:] v=pickle.dumps(v,protocol=proto) write_str(v,f,"sp"+sdtype) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def write_val(v, f, dtype): """ Write an arbitrary value `v` into file `f` using the supplied `dtype`. Storage type depends on `dtype`: can be string (see :func:`write_str`), number (see :func:`write_num`), or pickled value (see :func:`write_pickle`). In addition, `dtype` can be a tuple of dtypes with length equal to the length of `v`, in which case the values in `v` are written sequentially. """ if isinstance(dtype,py3.textstring): if dtype.startswith("s"): write_str(v,f,dtype) elif dtype.startswith("pk"): write_pickle(v,f,dtype) else: write_num(v,f,dtype) if isinstance(dtype,tuple): if len(v)!=len(dtype): raise ValueError("value {} doesn't agree with dtype {}".format(v,dtype)) for (el,dt) in zip(v,dtype): write_val(el,f,dt)
[docs]def read_num(f, dtype): """ Read a number from file `f`. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type (numpy-style). """ if dtype[0] not in "<>": dtype=default_byteorder+dtype if dtype in idtypes_inv: return int(np.fromfile(f,dtype=dtype,count=1)[0]) elif dtype in fdtypes_inv: return float(np.fromfile(f,dtype=dtype,count=1)[0]) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def read_str(f, dtype): """ Read a string from file `f`. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type. Can be ``"sp"+sdtype`` (e.g., ``"sp<u2"``), where the string is prepended by its length written using ``sdtype`` format, or ``"s"+len`` (e.g., ``"s16"``), where ``len`` is the textual representation of string length (i.e., read ``len`` bytes and translate the result into string). """ if dtype.startswith("sp"): sl=read_num(f,dtype[2:]) return py3.as_str( elif dtype.startswith("s"): sl=int(dtype[1:]) return py3.as_str( else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def read_pickle(f, dtype): """ Read a value from file `f` as a Python pickle object. `dtype` is the textual representation of data type (numpy-style), and should be ``"pk"+proto+sdtype`` (e.g., ``"pk3<u2"``), where ``proto`` is the textual representation of the pickle protocol (ignored, added for compatibility with :func:`write_pickle`), and ``sdtype`` is the data type of the prepended string length (see ``"sp"+sdtype`` type in :func:`write_str`). """ if dtype.startswith("pk"): sdtype=dtype[3:] v=read_str(f,"sp"+sdtype) return pickle.loads(v) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized dtype: {}".format(dtype))
[docs]def read_val(f, dtype): """ Read an arbitrary value from file `f` using the supplied `dtype`. Storage type depends on `dtype`: can be string (see :func:`read_str`), number (see :func:`read_num`), or pickled value (see :func:`read_pickle`). In addition, `dtype` can be a tuple of dtypes with length equal to the length of `v`, in which case the values in `v` are read sequentially. """ if isinstance(dtype,py3.textstring): if dtype.startswith("s"): return read_str(f,dtype) elif dtype.startswith("pk"): return read_pickle(f,dtype) else: return read_num(f,dtype) if isinstance(dtype,tuple): return tuple([ read_val(f,dt) for dt in dtype ])
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def size_prepend(f, dtype, added=0): """ Context manager that prepends the data written inside the block with its size (after the writing is done). `dtype` specifies size format; `added` is added to the size when saving. Note that this method requires back-seeking, so it doesn't work if the file is opened in append (``"a"``) mode; use ``"w"`` or ``"r+"`` mode instead. """ spos=f.tell() write_num(0,f,dtype) bpos=f.tell() yield epos=f.tell() write_num(epos-bpos+added,f,dtype)