Source code for pylablib.aux_libs.gui.widgets.param_table

from ....core.gui.qt.widgets import edit, label as widget_label
from ....core.gui.qt.thread import threadprop, controller
from ....core.gui.qt import values as values_module, utils
from ....core.utils import py3, dictionary

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets

import collections

    _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
except AttributeError:
    def _fromUtf8(s):
        return s

    _encoding = QtWidgets.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
    def _translate(context, text, disambig):
        return QtWidgets.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
except AttributeError:
    def _translate(context, text, disambig):
        return QtWidgets.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)

[docs]class ParamTable(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ GUI parameter table. Simplifies creating code-generated controls and displays table layouts. Has methods for adding various kinds of controls (labels, edit boxes, combo boxes, check boxes), automatically creates values table for easy settings/getting. By default supports 2-column (label-control) and 3-column (label-control-indicator) layout, depending on the parameters given to :meth:`setupUi`. Similar to :class:`.IndicatorValuesTable`, has three container-like accessor: ``.v`` for settings/getting values (i.e., ``self.get_value(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]``, and ``self.set_value(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]=value``), ``.i`` for settings/getting indicator values (i.e., ``self.get_indicator(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.i[name]``, and ``self.set_indicator(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``self.i[name]=value``), and ``.w`` for getting the underlying widget (i.e., ``self.get_widget(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.w[name]``) Like most widgets, requires calling :meth:`setupUi` to set up before usage. Args: parent: parent widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ParamTable, self).__init__(parent) self.params={} self.v=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_value,self.set_value) self.i=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_indicator,self.set_indicator) self.w=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_widget)
[docs] def setupUi(self, name, add_indicator=False, display_table=None, display_table_root=None, gui_thread_safe=False): """ Setup the table. Args: name (str): table widget name add_indicator (bool): if ``True``, add indicators for all added widgets by default. display_table (bool): as :class:`.IndicatorValuesTable` object used to access table values; by default, create one internally display_table_root (str): if not ``None``, specify root (i.e., path prefix) for values inside the table; if not specified, then there's no additional root for internal table (``display_table is None``), or it is equal to `name` if there is an external table (``display_table is not None``) gui_thread_safe (bool): if ``True``, all value-access and indicator-access calls (``get/set_value``, ``get/set_all_values``, ``get/set_indicator``, and ``update_indicators``) are automatically called in the GUI thread. """ self.setObjectName(_fromUtf8( self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) self.formLayout.setSizeConstraint(QtWidgets.QLayout.SetDefaultConstraint) self.formLayout.setContentsMargins(5,5,5,5) self.formLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("formLayout")) self.add_indicator=add_indicator self.change_focused_control=False if display_table is None: self.display_table=values_module.IndicatorValuesTable() self.display_table_root="" else: self.display_table=display_table self.display_table_root=display_table_root if display_table_root is not None else self.gui_thread_safe=gui_thread_safe
value_changed=QtCore.pyqtSignal("PyQt_PyObject","PyQt_PyObject") def _normalize_location(self, location, default=(None,0,1,1)): if not isinstance(location,(list,tuple)): location=(location,) location+=(None,)*(4-len(location)) location=[d if l is None else l for (l,d) in zip(location,default)] row,col,rowspan,colspan=location row_cnt=self.formLayout.rowCount() row=row_cnt if row is None else (row%row_cnt) return row,col,rowspan,colspan ParamRow=collections.namedtuple("ParamRow",["widget","label","value_handler","indicator_handler"]) def _add_widget(self, name, params): self.params[name]=params path=(self.display_table_root,name) self.display_table.add_handler(path,params.value_handler) if params.indicator_handler: self.display_table.add_indicator_handler(path,params.indicator_handler) changed_signal=params.value_handler.value_changed_signal() if changed_signal: changed_signal.connect(lambda value: self.value_changed.emit(name,value))
[docs] def add_simple_widget(self, name, widget, label=None, value_handler=None, add_indicator=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a 'simple' (single-spaced, single-valued) widget to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) widget: widget to add label (str): if not ``None``, specifies label to put in front of the widget in the layout value_handler: value handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected value handler (works for many simple built-in or custom widgets) add_indicator: if ``True``, add an indicator label in the third column and a corresponding indicator handler in the built-in values table; by default, use the default value supplied to :meth:`setupUi` location (tuple): tuple ``(row, column)`` specifying location of the widget (or widget label, if it is specified); by default, add to a new row in the end and into the first column Return the widget's value handler """ if name in self.params: raise KeyError("widget {} already exists".format(name)) row,col,rowspan,_=self._normalize_location(location) if label is not None: wlabel=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) wlabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("{}__label".format(name))) self.formLayout.addWidget(wlabel,row,col,rowspan,1) wlabel.setText(_translate(,label,None)) else: wlabel=None value_handler=value_handler or values_module.get_default_value_handler(widget) if add_indicator is None: add_indicator=self.add_indicator if add_indicator: windicator=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) windicator.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("{}__indicator".format(name))) self.formLayout.addWidget(windicator,row,col+2,rowspan,1) indicator_handler=values_module.WidgetLabelIndicatorHandler(windicator,widget=value_handler) else: indicator_handler=None if wlabel is None: self.formLayout.addWidget(widget,row,col,rowspan,2 if add_indicator else 3) else: self.formLayout.addWidget(widget,row,col+1,rowspan,1 if add_indicator else 2) self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(widget,wlabel,value_handler,indicator_handler)) return value_handler
[docs] def add_custom_widget(self, name, widget, value_handler=None, indicator_handler=None, location=(None,0,1,None)): """ Add a 'custom' (multi-spaced, possibly complex-valued) widget to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) widget: widget to add value_handler: value handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected value handler (works for many simple built-in or custom widgets) indicator_handler: indicator handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected indciator handler (use ``set/get_indicator`` methods if present, or no indicator otherwises) location (tuple): tuple ``(row, column, rowspan, colspan)`` specifying location of the widget; by default, add to a new row in the end and into the first column, span one row and all table columns Return the widget's value handler """ if name in self.params: raise KeyError("widget {} already exists".format(name)) location=self._normalize_location(location,default=(None,0,1,3)) self.formLayout.addWidget(widget,*location) value_handler=value_handler or values_module.get_default_value_handler(widget) indicator_handler=indicator_handler or values_module.get_default_indicator_handler(widget) self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(widget,None,value_handler,indicator_handler)) return value_handler
[docs] def add_virtual_element(self, name, value=None, add_indicator=None): """ Add a virtual table element. Doesn't correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view (its value can be set or read, it has on-change events, it can have indicator). """ value_handler=values_module.VirtualValueHandler(value) if add_indicator is None: add_indicator=self.add_indicator indicator_handler=values_module.VirtualIndicatorHandler if add_indicator else None self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(None,None,value_handler,indicator_handler))
[docs] def add_button(self, name, caption, checkable=False, value=False, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a button to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str): text on the button checkable (bool): determines whether the button is checkable (has on/off state) or simple press button value (bool): if checkable, specifies initial value Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=QtWidgets.QPushButton(self) widget.setText(_translate(,caption,None)) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) widget.setCheckable(checkable) widget.setChecked(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location)
[docs] def add_check_box(self, name, caption, value=False, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a checkbox to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str): text on the checkbox value (bool): specifies initial value Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self) widget.setText(_translate(,caption,None)) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) widget.setChecked(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location)
[docs] def add_text_label(self, name, value=None, label=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a text label to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) if value is not None: widget.setText(str(value)) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=False,location=location)
[docs] def add_num_label(self, name, value=0, limiter=None, formatter=None, label=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a numerical label to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (float): specifies initial value limiter (tuple): tuple ``(upper_limit, lower_limit, action, value_type)`` specifying value limits; see :func:`.limit.as_limiter` for details formatter (tuple): either ``"int"`` (for integer values), or tuple specifying floating value format; see :func:`.format.as_formatter` for details Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=widget_label.LVNumLabel(self,value=value,num_limit=limiter,num_format=formatter) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=False,location=location)
[docs] def add_text_edit(self, name, value=None, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a text edit to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=edit.LVTextEdit(self,value=value) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location)
[docs] def add_num_edit(self, name, value=None, limiter=None, formatter=None, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=(None,0)): """ Add a numerical edit to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value limiter (tuple): tuple ``(upper_limit, lower_limit, action, value_type)`` specifying value limits; see :func:`.limit.as_limiter` for details formatter (tuple): either ``"int"`` (for integer values), or tuple specifying floating value format; see :func:`.format.as_formatter` for details Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=edit.LVNumEdit(self,value=value,num_limit=limiter,num_format=formatter) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location)
[docs] def add_progress_bar(self, name, value=None, label=None): """ Add a progress bar to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) if value is not None: widget.setValue(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label)
[docs] def add_combo_box(self, name, value=None, options=None, label=None, add_indicator=None): """ Add a combo box to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value options (list): list of string specifying box options Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ widget=QtWidgets.QComboBox(self) widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_"+name)) if options: widget.addItems(options) if value is not None: widget.setCurrentIndex(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator)
[docs] def add_spacer(self, height, width=1, location=(None,0)): """Add a spacer with the given width and height""" spacer=QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(width,height,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) location=self._normalize_location(location) self.formLayout.addItem(spacer,*location) return spacer
[docs] def add_label(self, text, location=(None,0)): """Add a text label (only for decoration) with the given text""" label=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) label.setText(str(text)) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) location=self._normalize_location(location) self.formLayout.addWidget(label,*location) return label
[docs] def add_padding(self, prop=1): """Add a padding (expandable spacer) with the given proportion""" self.add_spacer(0) self.formLayout.setRowStretch(self.formLayout.rowCount(),prop)
[docs] def insert_row(self, row): """Insert a new table row at the given location""" utils.insert_layout_row(self.formLayout,row)
[docs] def lock(self, names=None, locked=True): """Lock (disable) or unlock (enable) widgets with the given names (by default, all widgets)""" if isinstance(names,py3.anystring): names=[names] if names is None: names=self.params.keys() for name in names: widget=self.params[name].widget if widget is not None: widget.setEnabled(not locked)
@controller.gui_thread_method def get_value(self, name): """Get value of a widget with the given name""" return self.display_table.get_value((self.display_table_root,name)) @controller.gui_thread_method def set_value(self, name, value): """Set value of a widget with the given name""" par=self.params[name] if self.change_focused_control or par.widget is None or not par.widget.hasFocus(): return self.display_table.set_value((self.display_table_root,name),value) @controller.gui_thread_method def get_all_values(self): """Get values of all widgets in the table""" return self.display_table.get_all_values(root=self.display_table_root,include=self.params) @controller.gui_thread_method def set_all_values(self, values): """Set values of all widgets in the table""" return self.display_table.set_all_values(values,root=self.display_table_root,include=self.params)
[docs] def get_handler(self, name): """Get value handler of a widget with the given name""" return self.params[name].value_handler
[docs] def get_widget(self, name): """Get a widget with the given name""" return self.params[name].widget
[docs] def changed_event(self, name): """Get a value-changed signal for a widget with the given name""" return self.params[name].value_handler.value_changed_signal()
@controller.gui_thread_method def get_indicator(self, name): """Get indicator value for a widget with the given name""" return self.display_table.get_indicator((self.display_table_root,name)) @controller.gui_thread_method def set_indicator(self, name, value): """Set indicator value for a widget with the given name""" return self.display_table.set_indicator((self.display_table_root,name),value) @controller.gui_thread_method def get_all_indicators(self): """Get all indicator values""" return self.display_table.get_all_indicators(root=self.display_table_root) @controller.gui_thread_method def update_indicators(self): """Update all indicators (set their value """ return self.display_table.update_indicators(root=self.display_table_root,include=self.params)
[docs] def clear(self, disconnect=False): """ Clear the table (remove all widgets) If ``disconnect==True``, also disconnect all slots connected to the ``value_changed`` signal. """ if self.params: if disconnect: try: self.value_changed.disconnect() except TypeError: # no signals connected pass for name in self.params: path=(self.display_table_root,name) self.display_table.remove_handler(path) self.display_table.remove_indicator_handler(path) self.params={} utils.clean_layout(self.formLayout,delete_layout=True) self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) self.formLayout.setSizeConstraint(QtWidgets.QLayout.SetDefaultConstraint) self.formLayout.setContentsMargins(5,5,5,5) self.formLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("formLayout"))
def __getitem__(self, name): return self.get_handler(name) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.params
[docs]def FixedParamTable(v=None,i=None): return TFixedParamTable(v=v or {}, i=i or {})
[docs]class StatusTable(ParamTable): """ Expansion of :class:`ParamTable` which adds status lines, which automatically subscribe to signals and update values. """
[docs] def add_status_line(self, name, label=None, srcs=None, tags=None, filt=None, make_status=None): """ Add a status line to the table: Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) label (str): if not ``None``, specifies label to put in front of the status line srcs (list): status signal sources tags (list): status signal tags filt (list): filter function for the signals make_status: if not ``None``, specifies a function which takes 3 arguments (signal source, tag, and value) and generates a status line text. """ self.add_text_label(name,label=label) def update_text(src, tag, value): if make_status is not None: text=make_status(src,tag,value) else: text=value self.v[name]=text threadprop.current_controller().subscribe(update_text,srcs=srcs,dsts="any",tags=tags,filt=filt,limit_queue=10)