Source code for pylablib.aux_libs.file_formats.waveguide

File formats generated by the LabView code on the waveguide project.

from io import open

from .cam import load_cam, iter_cam_frames, combine_cam_frames, save_cam, CamReader
from ...core.utils import string, funcargparse
from ...core.fileio import loadfile
from ...core.dataproc import interpolate, filters, waveforms
from ...core.datatable.table import DataTable
from ...core.datatable.wrapping import wrap
import os.path

import numpy as np

##### _info.txt format (file info) #####
[docs]def load_info(path): """ Load the info file (ends with ``"_info.txt"``). Return information as a dictionary ``{name: value}``, where `value` is a list (single-element list for a scalar property). """ nextline_markers=["locking scheme", "channels"] lines=[] with open(path) as f: for ln in f.readlines(): ln=ln.strip() while ln.endswith(":"): ln=ln[:-1] items=[i.strip() for i in ln.split("\t")] items=[i for i in items if i] if items: lines.append(items) info_dict={} n=0 while n<len(lines): ln=lines[n] if len(ln)==1 and ln[0].lower() in nextline_markers: key=ln[0].lower() if len(lines)==n+1: raise IOError("key line {} doesn't have a following value line".format(ln[0])) value=[string.from_string(i) for i in lines[n+1]] n+=1 elif len(ln)>=2: key=ln[0].lower() value=[string.from_string(i) for i in ln[1:]] else: raise IOError("unusual line format: {}".format(ln)) if key in info_dict: raise IOError("duplicate key: {}".format(key)) info_dict[key]=value n+=1 return info_dict
def _filter_channel_name(name): return name.replace(" ","").replace("-","_")
[docs]def load_sweep(prefix, force_info=True): """ Load binary sweep located at ``prefix+".dat"`` with an associated info file located at ``prefix+"_info.txt"``. Return tuple ``(table, info)``, where `table` is the data table, and `info` is the info dictionary (see :func:`load_info`). If ``force_info==True``, raise an error if the info file is missing. The columns for `table` are extracted from the info file. If it is missing or the channels info is not in the file, `table` has a single column. """ info_path=prefix+"_info.txt" if os.path.exists(info_path): info_dict=load_info(info_path) elif force_info: raise IOError("info file {} doesn't exits".format(info_path)) else: info_dict={} if "channels" in info_dict: info_dict["channels"]=[_filter_channel_name(ch) for ch in info_dict["channels"]] channels=info_dict["channels"] else: channels=[] data_path=prefix+".dat" data=loadfile.load(data_path,"bin",dtype="<f8",columns=channels) return data,info_dict
##### Normalizing sweep (frequency and column data) #####
[docs]def cut_outliers(sweep, jump_size, length, padding=0, x_column=None, ignore_last=0): """ Cut out sections of the waveform with large jumps. Remove sections of the waveform which are at most `length` long and have jumps of at least `jump_size` on both size. If ``padding>0``, remove additional `padding` points on both sides of the outlier section. if ``ignore_last>0``, do not consider jumps in the last `ignore_last` points. For multi-column data, `x_column` specifies the columns of interest. """ xs=waveforms.get_x_column(sweep,x_column=x_column) dxs=xs[1:]-xs[:-1] jumps=abs(dxs)>jump_size jump_locs=np.append(jumps.nonzero()[0],[len(xs)-1]) prev_jump=-1 include=np.ones(len(xs)).astype("bool") for jl in jump_locs: if jl>len(include)-ignore_last: break if jl-prev_jump<length: start=max(prev_jump+1-padding,0) end=min(jl+1+padding,len(include)) include[start:end]=False prev_jump=jl return wrap(sweep).t[include,:].copy()
[docs]def trim_jumps(sweep, jump_size, trim=1, x_column=None): """ Clean up jumps in the data by removing several data points around them. Remove `trim` datapoints on both sides of jumps if at least `jump_size`. For multi-column data, `x_column` specifies the columns of interest. """ if not isinstance(trim,(list,tuple)): trim=trim,trim xs=waveforms.get_x_column(sweep,x_column=x_column) dxs=xs[1:]-xs[:-1] jumps=abs(dxs)>jump_size jump_locs=jumps.nonzero()[0] include=np.ones(len(xs)).astype("bool") for jl in jump_locs: start=max(jl-trim[0]+1,0) end=min(jl+1+trim[1],len(include)) include[start:end]=False return wrap(sweep).t[include,:].copy()
[docs]def prepare_sweep_frequency(sweep, allowed_frequency_jump=None, ascending_frequency=True, rescale=True): """ Clean up the sweep frequency data (exclude jumps and rescale in Hz). Find the longest continuous chunk with frequency steps within `allowed_frequency_jump' range (by default, it is ``(-5*mfs,infty)``, where ``mfs`` is the median frequency step). If ``ascending_frequency==True``, sort the data so that frequency is in the ascending order. If ``rescale==True``, rescale frequency in Hz. """ if rescale: sweep["Wavemeter"]*=1E12 if len(sweep)>1: fs=sweep["Wavemeter"] dfs=fs[1:]-fs[:-1] fdir=1. if np.sum(dfs>0)>len(dfs)//2 else -1. valid_dfs=(dfs*fdir)>0 if allowed_frequency_jump=="auto": mfs=np.median(dfs[valid_dfs]) maxfs=fdir*np.max(dfs[valid_dfs]*fdir) allowed_frequency_jump=(-10*mfs, 1.1*maxfs ) if allowed_frequency_jump is not None: bins=filters.collect_into_bins(fs,allowed_frequency_jump,preserve_order=True,to_return="index") max_bin=sorted(bins, key=lambda b: b[1]-b[0])[-1] sweep=sweep.t[max_bin[0]:max_bin[1],:] if ascending_frequency: sweep=sweep.sort_by("Wavemeter") return sweep
[docs]def interpolate_sweep(sweep, columns, frequency_step, rng=None, frequency_column="Wavemeter"): """ Interpolate sweep data over a regular frequency grid with the spacing `frequency_step`. """ rng_min,rng_max=rng or (None,None) rng_min=sweep[frequency_column].min() if (rng_min is None) else rng_min rng_max=sweep[frequency_column].max() if (rng_max is None) else rng_max start_freq=(rng_min//frequency_step)*frequency_step stop_freq=(rng_max//frequency_step)*frequency_step columns=[funcargparse.as_sequence(c,2) for c in columns] freqs=np.arange(start_freq,stop_freq+frequency_step/2.,frequency_step) data=[interpolate.interpolate1D(sweep[:,[frequency_column,src]],freqs,bounds_error=False,fill_values="bounds") for src,_ in columns] return DataTable([freqs]+data,["Frequency"]+[dst for _,dst in columns])
[docs]def load_prepared_sweeps(prefix, reps, min_sweep_length=1, **add_info): """ Load sweeps with the given `prefix` and `reps` and normalize their frequency axes. Return list of tuples ``(sweep, info)``. `add_info` is added to the `info` dictionary (`rep` index is added automatically). `min_sweep_length` specifies the minimal sweep length (after frequency normalization) to be included in the list. """ sweeps=[] if reps: for rep in reps: sweep_name=prefix+rep_suffix_patt.format(rep) sweeps+=load_prepared_sweeps(sweep_name,[],min_sweep_length=min_sweep_length,rep=rep,**add_info) else: try: sweep,info=load_sweep(prefix,force_info=True) sweep=prepare_sweep_frequency(sweep) if len(sweep)>=min_sweep_length: info["rep"]=0 info.update(add_info) sweeps.append((sweep,info)) except IOError: pass return sweeps