Source code for pylablib.aux_libs.devices.Sirah

from ...core.devio import SCPI  #@UnresolvedImport
from ...core.utils import general, py3

import re
import time


[docs]class SirahError(RuntimeError): """Generic Sirah error"""
[docs]class SirahTimeoutError(SirahError): """Sirah waiting timeout error"""
[docs]class SirahInterface(SCPI.SCPIDevice): """ Generic Sirah device interface using Visa communication. Args: conn: VISA connection string (something like ``"USB0::0x17E7::<DEVICE_ID>::<DEVICE_SN>::INSTR"``) """ _default_failsafe=False def __init__(self, conn): SCPI.SCPIDevice.__init__(self,conn,backend="visa",timeout=3.)
[docs] def open(self): self.get_error_codes()
_reset_comm="RESET" def _instr_read(self, raw=False): data=SCPI.SCPIDevice._instr_read(self,raw=raw) if not raw: data=py3.as_str(data) m=re.match(r"^:[\w:]+:",data) if m: data=data[m.end():].strip() return data _float_fmt=".3f"
[docs] def get_error_codes(self, clear=True): """ Return errors raised by the Matisse controller. If ``clear==True``, clear the errors on the controller (otherwise, it doesn't execute new commands). """ codes=[int(c) for c in self.ask("ERROR:CODE?").split() if c] if clear: self.write("ERROR:CLEAR",read_echo=True) return codes
[docs]class SirahMatisse(SirahInterface): """ Sirah Matisse device interface using Visa communication. Args: conn: VISA connection string (something like ``"USB0::0x17E7::0x0102::<DEVICE_ID>::INSTR"``) """
[docs] def brf_home(self): """Home BRF motor""" self.write("MOTBI:HOME",read_echo=True)
[docs] def brf_halt(self): """Stop BRF motor (smoothly)""" self.write("MOTBI:HALT",read_echo=True)
[docs] def get_brf_status_n(self): """ Get BRF motor status as an integer For the meaning, see Matisse Programmer's Guide """ return self.ask("MOTBI:STATUS?","int")
[docs] def is_brf_moving(self): """Check if BRF motor is moving""" return bool(self.get_brf_status_n()&0x100)
[docs] def wait_for_brf(self, timeout=30., wait_step=0.3): """Wait until BRF motor is stopped""" ctd=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: if not self.is_brf_moving(): return if ctd.passed(): raise SirahTimeoutError() time.sleep(wait_step)
[docs] def get_brf_position(self): """Get BRF motor position""" return self.ask("MOTBI:POS?","int")
[docs] def set_brf_position(self, position): """Move BRF motor to a new position""" self.write("MOTBI:POS",int(position),read_echo=True) return self.get_brf_position()
[docs] def thinet_home(self): """Home thin etalon motor""" self.write("MOTTE:HOME",read_echo=True)
[docs] def thinet_halt(self): """Stop thin etalon motor (smoothly)""" self.write("MOTTE:HALT",read_echo=True)
[docs] def get_thinet_status_n(self): """ Get thin etalon motor status as an integer For the meaning, see Matisse Programmer's Guide """ return self.ask("MOTTE:STATUS?","int")
[docs] def is_thinet_moving(self): """Check if thin etalon motor is moving""" return bool(self.get_thinet_status_n()&0x100)
[docs] def wait_for_thinet(self, timeout=30., wait_step=0.3): """Wait until thin etalon motor is stopped""" ctd=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: if not self.is_thinet_moving(): return if ctd.passed(): raise SirahTimeoutError() time.sleep(wait_step)
[docs] def get_thinet_position(self): """Get thin etalon motor position""" return self.ask("MOTTE:POS?","int")
[docs] def set_thinet_position(self, position): """Move thin etalon motor to a new position""" self.write("MOTTE:POS",int(position),read_echo=True) return self.get_thinet_position()
[docs] def get_piezoet_position(self): """Get piezo etalon position""" return self.ask("PZETL:BASE?","float")
[docs] def set_piezoet_position(self, position): """Change piezo etalon position""" self.write("PZETL:BASE",float(position),read_echo=True) return self.get_piezoet_position()