Source code for pylablib.aux_libs.devices.Lakeshore

from ...core.devio import backend, SCPI #@UnresolvedImport
from ...core.utils import funcargparse  #@UnresolvedImport


[docs]class Lakeshore218(SCPI.SCPIDevice): """ Lakeshore 218 temperature controller. All channels are enumerated from 0. Args: conn: serial connection parameters (usually port or a tuple containing port and baudrate) """ def __init__(self, conn): conn=backend.SerialDeviceBackend.combine_conn(conn,("COM1",9600,7,'E',1)) SCPI.SCPIDevice.__init__(self,conn,backend="serial",term_write="\r\n",term_read="\r\n") self._add_settings_node("enabled",self.is_enabled,self.set_enabled,mux=(range(8),0)) self._add_settings_node("sensor_type",self.get_sensor_type,self.set_sensor_type,mux=("AB",1)) self._add_status_node("temperature",self.get_all_temperatures) try: self.get_id(timeout=2.) except self.instr.Error as e: self.close() raise self.instr.BackendOpenError(e)
[docs] def is_enabled(self, channel): """Check if a given channel is enabled""" return self.ask("INPUT? {}".format(channel+1),"bool")
[docs] def set_enabled(self, channel, enabled=True): """Enable or disable a given channel""" self.write("INPUT {} {}".format(channel+1, 1 if enabled else 0)) return self.is_enabled(channel)
[docs] def get_sensor_type(self, group): """ Get sensort type for a given group (``"A"`` or ``"B"``). For type descriptions, see Lakeshore 218 programming manual. """ return self.ask("INTYPE? {}".format(group),"int")
[docs] def set_sensor_type(self, group, type): """ Set sensort type for a given group (``"A"`` or ``"B"``). For type descriptions, see Lakeshore 218 programming manual. """ self.write("INTYPE {} {}".format(group, type)) return self.get_sensor_type(group)
[docs] def get_temperature(self, channel): """Get readings (in Kelvin) on a given channel""" return self.ask("KRDG? {}".format(channel+1),"float")
[docs] def get_all_temperatures(self): """Get readings (in Kelvin) on all channels""" data=self.ask("KRDG? 0") return [float(x.strip()) for x in data.strip().split(",")]
[docs]class Lakeshore370(SCPI.SCPIDevice): """ Lakeshore 370 temperature controller. All channels are enumerated from 0. Args: conn: serial connection parameters (usually port or a tuple containing port and baudrate) """ def __init__(self, conn): SCPI.SCPIDevice.__init__(self,conn) try: self.get_id(timeout=2.) except self.instr.Error as e: self.close() raise self.instr.BackendOpenError(e)
[docs] def get_resistance(self, channel): """Get resistance readings (in Ohm) on a given channel""" return self.ask("RDGR? {:2d}".format(channel),"float")
[docs] def get_sensor_power(self, channel): """Get dissipated power (in W) on a given channel""" return self.ask("RDGPWR? {:2d}".format(channel),"float")
[docs] def select_channel(self, channel): """Select measurement channel""" self.write("SCAN {:2d},0".format(channel))
[docs] def get_channel(self): """Get current measurement channel""" return int(self.ask("SCAN?").split(",")[0].strip())
[docs] def setup_channel(self, channel=None, mode="V", exc_range=1, res_range=22, autorange=True): """ Setup a measurement channel (current channel by default). `mode` is the excitation mode (``"I"`` or ``"V"``), `exc_range` is the excitation range, `res_range` is the resistance range. For range descriptions, see Lakeshore 370 programming manual. """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(mode,"mode","IV") channel=0 if channel is None else channel mode=0 if mode=="V" else 1 autorange=1 if autorange else 0 self.write("RDGRNG {:2d},{},{:2d},{:2d},{},0".format(channel,mode,exc_range,res_range,autorange))
[docs] def setup_heater_openloop(self, heater_range, heater_percent, heater_res=100.): """ Setup a heater in the open loop mode. `heater_range` is the heating range, `heater_percent` is the excitation percentage within the range, `heater_res` is the heater resistance (in Ohm). For range descriptions, see Lakeshore 370 programming manual. """ self.write("CMODE 3") self.write("CSET 1,0,1,25,1,{},{:f}".format(heater_range,heater_res)) self.write("HTRRNG {}".format(heater_range)) self.write("MOUT {:f}".format(heater_percent))
[docs] def get_heater_settings_openloop(self): """ Get heater settings in the open loop mode. Return tuple ``(heater_range, heater_percent, heater_res)``, where `heater_range` is the heating range, `heater_percent` is the excitation percentage within the range, `heater_res` is the heater resistance (in Ohm). For range descriptions, see Lakeshore 370 programming manual. """ cset_reply=[s.strip() for s in self.ask("CSET?").split(",")] heater_percent=self.ask("MOUT?","float") heater_range=self.ask("HTRRNG?","int") #return int(cset_reply[5]),heater_percent,float(cset_reply[6]) return heater_range,heater_percent,float(cset_reply[6])
[docs] def set_analog_output(self, channel, value): """Set analog output value at a given channel""" if value==0: self.write("ANALOG {},0,0,1,1,500.,0,0.".format(channel)) else: self.write("ANALOG {},0,2,1,1,500.,0,{:f}".format(channel,value)) return self.get_analog_output(channel)
[docs] def get_analog_output(self, channel): """Get analog output value at a given channel""" return self.ask("AOUT? {}".format(channel),"float")